30 June, 2009
- The highest authority of the Federation is the Congress.
- The Congress takes place as often as seems advisable, but at least every four years, and is convened by the General Secretary on the decision of the Central Committee.
- The place, date, and agenda are determined by the Central Committee.
- Notification of the convening of Congress must be given to affiliates at least four months beforehand.
- The Congress is composed of representatives of the national organisations affiliated with the Federation.
- Each affiliated organisation shall determine the number of representatives at the Congress and shall bear their expenses. Affiliated organisations requiring financial assistance to secure participation should make arrangements with the General Secretary well in advance of Congress.
- A delegate may also represent several of the organisations of his or her country.
- Such authority shall be in writing to the General Secretary signed by the Principal Officer of the affiliate delegating the representation.
- Each affiliated organisation, which has fulfilled its financial obligations to the IMF, has the right to vote at the Congress.
- For the first 200,000 members, affiliates have voting rights according to their membership. For membership above 200,000, voting rights are in proportion with the subscriptions ratio paid under Article 7.
- The Congress shall review reports, motions and resolutions offered by affiliates and the Executive Committee.
- All reports and motions for the Congress must be received by the General Secretary three months before the opening of Congress.
- The General Secretary must notify all affiliated organisations of the Federation of the motions, allowing enough time for them to be brought to the notice of their members before the Congress meets.
- Reports, motions and resolutions of the Congress are to be adopted by a simple majority of the eligible votes, while alterations of the Rules must require a two-thirds majority of the eligible votes.
- Each regular Congress shall elect by simple majority of eligible votes the President of the Federation who holds an elected position within his or her organisation.
- Each regular Congress shall also elect by simple majority of eligible votes the General Secretary of the Federation.
- Each regular Congress shall also elect by simple majority of eligible votes the Vice President of the Federation who holds an elected position within his or her organisation.
- Each regular Congress shall also elect with simple majority of eligible votes one or more Assistant General Secretaries of the Federation.
- Each regular Congress shall also elect by simple majority of eligible votes the Executive Committee members.
- Each regular Congress shall also elect by simple majority of eligible votes the Auditing Committee members.
- The Congress determines its own standing orders.