Oil, gas, electricity, nuclear and renewables.
Covering the oil and gas industries as well as electric power, regardless of method of generation, the Energy Section is a central jurisdiction linked to the mining of coal and uranium upstream as well as providing the feedstock for much of the downstream chemical industry.
Other IndustriALL industries are major energy–intensive industries which places IndustriALL in a unique position to formulate comprehensive global energy policies. Organizing, networking and global framework agreements continue to be priorities for the sector.
Diana Junquera Curiel Tel: +41 22 308 50 32 Email: DJunquera |
Sector networks
1. Global sub-sector networks
International Nuclear Workers' Union Network (INWUN) |
2. Regional networks
Electricity |
Latin America - Caribe Electricity Union Network |
Middle East and North Africa Electricity Network |
Sub-Saharan Africa Energy Network (SAEN) |
Asia-Pacific Electricity Network (APEN) |
Oil and Gas |
Middle East and North Africa Oil and Gas Union Network |
Asia-Pacific Oil and Gas Union Network |
Latin American - Caribe Oil and Gas Union Network |
Sub-Saharan Africa Oil and Gas Union Network |
3. Company networks
Shell Global Union Network |
Enel Latin America Network |
Repsol Latin America Network |
Energy sector Global Framework Agreements (GFA)
Energy transition perspectives and trends: patterns, scenarios and impacts | ||
In-depth articles