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Empowerment, representation and participation

IndustriALL promotes the active integration of young workers into unions, and supports union efforts to organize them and address their specific concerns. IndustriALL's strategy focuses on three main areas: 

  • empowerment
  • representation
  • participation

To empower young workers, IndustriALL runs specific youth training programmes to build capacity and to raise awareness on issues that trade unions should tackle. IndustriALL also works together with young leaders to develop effective leadership skills and improve knowledge to address specific concerns that relate to young workers, leading, in turn, to improvements in the living and working conditions of young workers. In Latin America and the Caribbean, in the MENA region, South East Asia and in Sub-Saharan Africa young workers exchange experiences, empowering them and opening opportunities for regional networking.

IndustriALL works at increasing youth representation within affiliated unions by promoting and supporting affiliates in their effort to develop youth policies and programmes to organize and train young workers by:

  • training young workers to take part in actions to develop and implement youth policy in their unions.
  • incentivizing the development of youth structures and youth action plans, coupled with resources and activities.
  • increasing youth membership of the unions, as well as the genuine integration of the young trade unionists in the unions’ decision-making mechanisms.

IndustriALL promotes young workers’ participation in trade unions’ daily life and action at all levels. Through increased participation of young workers and young leaders in unions, affiliates will pay much more attention to youth and young workers’ issues.


National young workers’ training workshop

Youth resolution



Download the youth logo in english and spanish below

Logo English (JPG)Logo Spanish (JPG)

Contact person:

Sarah Flores
Youth and Project Officer
tel. +41 22 308 5029
e-mail: SFlores