How can we build an international labour court?
Multinational corporations dominate the global economy, but labour laws exist at national level, with no international body to defend workers from violations in supply chains. How do we seek justice and remedy for the world’s workers?
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Comprehensive sanctions on Russia: why not Myanmar?
Despite the call by Myanmar’s trade unions for comprehensive economic sanctions against the military regime, many global garment brands continue to source from the country. The response of the international community to human rights abuses in Myanmar stands in stark contrast to the situation in Russia.
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Collective action builds union power, says Rose Omamo
When unions go on strike, engage in negotiations, collective bargaining, social dialogue, and social security, as well as campaign for workers’ rights and workplaces free of gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH), they do so as a collective.
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INTERVIEW: IndustriALL Global Union general secretary Atle Høie
At IndustriALL’s 3rd Congress in September 2021, Atle Høie was elected general secretary. Høie, originally from Norway, had already been part of IndustriALL’s leadership team for five years, as he was elected assistant general secretary at the Rio Congress in 2016.
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