Our mission is to build trade union power and to defend workers’ rights in our sectors. Strong democratic unions are essential to social equality and democracy. IndustriALL’s members are its strength. Through organizing, bargaining and campaigning we are united and strong as the global voice of workers in our industries.
List of sectors

Covering workers primarliy involved in making commercial planes and military aircraft.

Supporting workers and unions at auto manufacturers and their global supply chains.

Base metals
Standing up for workers primarily in the steel and aluminium industries.

Chemical, pharmaceutical & bio-science
Championing workers in the chemical, pharmaceutical and bioscience industries.

Energy (oil, gas, electricity and nuclear)
Defending workers in the oil, gas and nuclear industries as well as electric power generation.

ICT, electrical and electronics
Promoting workers' rights in the electrical and electronics sector including consumer electronics, computer hardware, software and others.

Supporting workers in the glass, cement, ceramic and associated industries.

Mechanical engineering
Standing up for workers in the mechanical engineering industries, including the renewable energy sector.

Mining and DGOJP
Strengthening trade unions in the mining and DGOJP (diamond, gem, ornament and jewellery processing) sectors.

Pulp and paper
Protecting workers' rights in the production and conversion of pulp, paper, paperboard and paper packaging.

Safeguarding workers' rights in the global tyre and rubber sector.

Shipbuilding and shipbreaking
Watching over workers' rights in the shipbuilding and shipbreaking industries.

Textile, leather, garment and shoes
Protecting workers in the global supply chains of the garment, leather, textile and shoe industries.