30 June, 2009
- The Central Committee is composed of the delegates of affiliated organisations which have fulfilled their obligations to the IMF.
- The President, the Vice President, the General Secretary and the Assistant General Secretaries of the Federation shall be present at all Central Committee meetings.
- The Central Committee shall hold an ordinary meeting at least every other year and is responsible for policies and activities of the Federation between Congresses.
- The President and the General Secretary are authorised, with the approval of the majority of the Executive Committee members, to convene special meetings of the Central Committee.
- The Central Committee has the authority to elect the President, the General Secretary, the Vice President or Assistant General Secretaries of the Federation in case of a vacancy between Congresses. The Central Committee has also the authority to replace Executive Committee members in case of vacancies between Congresses. The same applies to the Auditing Committee.
- The Central Committee has the authority to elect the Presidents of Industrial and Organisational Departments.
- The Central Committee shall determine its agenda and programme.
- The Central Committee is entitled to raise subscriptions between the Congresses (see Article 8.6.).
- The Central Committee approves the annual accounts reviewed by the Auditing Committee (see Article 3.6.C.) and discharges the General Secretary and the Executive Committee of any further responsibility.
- To ensure orderly preparation for the work of Congresses, the Central Committee is empowered to set up such committees as Rules, Resolutions and Credentials. In the composition of these committees, fair representation of gender, membership and the various continents in the Federation shall be taken into account. Final confirmation rests with Congress.
- The Central Committee shall determine guidelines for establishing and for the operation of regional groupings and regional offices for the IMF.
- The travelling and delegation expenses of delegates to the Central Committee are to be borne by the respective organisations. Any affiliated organisation requiring financial assistance for its participation should in advance make arrangements with the General Secretary.
- The Central Committee defines the duties and powers of World Councils and working groups.
- For voting in the Central Committee, Article 3.2. I. and J. of the Rules apply.