13 October, 2005
Per Capita Affiliation Fees: Effective 1 January 2004, annual per capita affiliation increases from CHF 2.1 to CHF 2.4. On 1 January in the following years: 2005, 2006, 2007; annual per capita affiliation fee increases with the rate of Belgian inflation effective in those years.
Allocation of Regional Seats/Voting Procedures: Change Article 19 to reflect the distribution of allocated seats between countries within each Representative Region shall be by vote of the member unions within that region, voting on the basis of actual, paid up membership averaged over the three full calendar years prior to the year in which the Congress takes place, or pro rata for those organisations that have joined the International since the previous Congress.
Time Period Between Congresses: That the next Congress, in 2007, revert back to the month of November.
Minimum Affiliation Fees: Change Article 10 to remove the reference to minimum service fee payment under Category D of Affiliation fees.
Central Europe Category Change: An emergency resolution that did receive the signatures of five affiliates from five separate countries, this resolution granted the move of Central Europe affiliates from Category B designation under Affiliation Fees to Category C.
Nuclear Power: A general motion that the ICEM promote “best practices” in the nuclear energy industry to ensure the highest degree of health, safety and environmental protection, that was amended to include language adopted at the ICEM’s Rome Energy Conference with reference to the ICEM shall turn to the Atomic Energy Agency and the ILO for unified standards within the industry.
ICEM to be Part of the World Peace Movement: With an amendment, the ICEM will encourage its regions to forge alliances in campaigns for peace and social justice. The amendment calls for the ICEM’s Executive to decide the guidelines concerning such regional alliances based on ILO Core Conventions and ICEM policies, and that the respective regions will keep the ICEM informed of developments.
Labour Law in Peru: A general motion that states the ICEM supports immediate approval of the New General Labour Law of Peru and that the government adhere to specific labour standards including respecting the right to organize, engage in collective bargaining and the right to strike. It also calls on Peru to ratify ILO Convention 176 on health and safety in mining, that mining MNCs respect the environment and that the country’s Mining Levy be distributed in its entirety to communities where the mineral deposits are extracted.
ICEM’s Rio Tinto Global Union Network: Resolution proclaiming that the Rio Tinto Network will continue working on behalf on Rio Tinto workers, and will continue the united front to protest the mining company’s anti-union practices.
World Poverty: That ICEM affiliates exert influence over their national governments to eradicate world poverty by increasing the means for development cooperation, specifically through support of a minimum levy on currency speculation.
Solidarity Compact: With such mobility in the labour force at present, that the ICEM study and assess the need for introducing a system where workers transferring between one country and another have the ability to consult and join the respective trade union in the new country.
Global Union Reserves: The ICEM strive to intensify global union contacts with a view to promoting cooperation between national union organisations in the manufacturing sector and that the union structure of the future be made a theme of discussion at global union conferences. Also, a special study be made to highlight successful trade union cooperative efforts and mergers, and that a draft proposal of such be drawn up for the next ICEM Executive.
Global Solidarity Projects: That the ICEM initiate closer cooperation with donors and that the International prepare projects ever more carefully and that the experience of the various projects be disseminated to the appropriate partners. With such projects, priority is given to regional coordination for follow-up and trade unions be identified as partners for future coordination.
Global Agreements: That the work of achieving Global Agreements be intensified and that new Trade union networks be created and existing ones reinforced. This resolution calls on greater responsibility be given the regions to monitor and follow up on Global Agreements.
Young Workers: That the ICEM Presidium be directed to develop a strategy of organising and promoting involvement of young workers into ICEM activities and structures. The resolution also calls for establishment of an ICEM youth committee to thus encourage follow-up at local, regional and national levels.
Education and Training Curriculum: That the ICEM Presidium and Executive consider whether or not to establish a small committee charged with carrying out project work as it relates education and training of various aspects of globalisation.
Burma: A resolution from Japanese affiliates firmly putting the ICEM on record condemning the military junta for its repressive regime of forced labour and denying democratic rights, and pledges the ICEM to stand with other global union federations seeking the immediate release of Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi and other leaders in the National League for Democracy of Burma currently being retained.
ICEM Solidarity to Goodyear Workers in Guatemala: Support to the Goodyear tyre workers in Guatemala.
Post Congress Activities Working Group: Endorsement and adoption by the 3rd ICEM World Congress of the document entitled Post Congress Activities Working Group, detailing priorities of the Secretariat in the next four-year period.
Resolution on Colombia (Referred from Congress to Presidium; Presidium passed resolution, 9/10/03): A broad resolution calling for ICEM and other GUFs to provide necessary resources to heighten awareness to murders of workers and union officials in Colombia; denouncing government’s position at ILO in 2003 denying fact-finding commission; urging country’s Ministry of Mines and Energy to change privitisation policy; to censure and urge company Union Fenosa in Electri Costa and Electri Caribe to halt union busting; and to create a glass network in preparation for a future Global Agreement.