19 August, 2011On Sunday, August 7, 45,000 Verizon workers on the US East Coast, represented by the IMF affiliate Communications Workers of America (CWA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), went on strike. The company attempts to force massive concessions from the unions, and make them give up gains they had won over many years of struggle and negotiation in previous contract fights.

USA: Verizon wants to freeze pensions for current workers and eliminate them for future employees, increase contracting out and offshoring of jobs, slash sick leave and health care plans for current and retired workers, and eliminate disability payments for injured workers. In total Verizon has a long list of nearly 100 concession demands, which the company refuses to give up, despite profits of US$19.5 billion and payments of US$258 million to its top five executives in the last four years.
The 45,000 CWA and IBEW members have taken the unprecedented step of striking until Verizon comes to the bargaining table and starts serious negotiations.
The strike was strongly supported also by the United Steelworkers at the ongoing USW Convention.
How you can help
CWA invites supporters on the US East Coast to join a picket line here, to adopt a Verizon Wireless store in their area, and to sign the petition in support of 45,000 CWA and IBEW workers on strike.