20 November, 2009Implementation of the Leoni Declaration on Social Rights was the focus of the meeting. Shop stewards reported that up to 70 per cent of workers are precariously employed, a lack of health and safety and frequent intimidation of union representatives.

MAGHREB: Twenty two shop stewards and local trade union organizers from all Leoni units in Morocco and Tunisia met at Hammamet, Tunisia, on November 18 and 19, 2009 to establish regional trade union coordination and to monitor the implementation of the Leoni Declaration on Social Rights at its production sites in Maghreb.
The seminar, organized by the IMF, was hosted by the Tunisian metalworkers. Leaders of FGME-UGTT of Tunisia and SNTIMMEE-CDT of Morocco attended the meeting together with representatives of IG Metall of Germany. This activity is part of the IMF work to develop networking and cooperation between unions organizing TNCs' workers in their different countries of operation. Multinationals in Tunisia and Morocco are priority targets of IMF activities to support trade unions in Maghreb.
An overview of the employment and working conditions at each production site of both countries was presented and information was shared on the state of industrial relations. Concerns were expressed for an extraordinarily high level of precarious employment arrangements that involve up to 70 per cent of the workforce. This puts enormous stress on the employees and represents a major concern for the unions. The translation of the variety of non permanent or even sub-contracted jobs into permanent ones is on top of the list of demands as the sole guarantee for workers to enjoy social protection and to ensure the respect of fundamental workers' and trade union rights. The shop stewards pointed at the management's disregard of trade union proposals for discussion of a classification system, as well as at the lack of basic health and safety guarantees for the employees.
Deep concern was expressed about the behaviour of company management in both countries that negatively affect trade unionists and prevent a constructive dialogue and bona fide negotiations. All participants supported in particular the request of the local trade union at Leoni Mateur Sud, Tunisia, that the company management withdraw the legal proceeding against its General Secretary who's being victimized exclusively because of his legitimate trade union work.
Despite the commitment to respect social rights taken by Leoni towards its clients and its employees in all countries where it operates, its management in Tunisia and Morocco does not show signs of respect for trade union work; elected workers' representatives and union activists are hit by intimidation in various ways. All the participants felt that coordinated action at national and regional level is indispensable to systematically monitor the implementation of the international framework agreement (known as Declaration on Social Rights) signed by Leoni with the IMF and the EWC in 2003. Mechanisms to establish a communication network with IMF support were defined to ensure the systematic sharing of information between the Leoni unions in Tunisia and Morocco, and with IG Metall and Leoni unions in other countries.
Informed of the planned meeting, the management of Leoni Tunisia insistently expressed interest to participate. The programme was therefore rearranged to include an informal consultation with management representatives at the conclusion of the seminar. Unfortunately nobody showed up and no explanation was provided.