6 August, 2009Workers demonstrate in Turkey's Taksim Square denouncing the decision of the court arguing, "Justice delayed is Justice denied!"

TURKEY: Sinter Metal workers demonstrated in Taksim Square on August 5 following a court ruling which furthered delayed a decision that would decide the fate of some 350 workers who were fired for belonging to the union, Birlesik Metal-IS, an affiliate of the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF).
For over 7 months now, the 350 workers of Sinter Metal Imalat Sanayi A.Ş have been struggling to get their jobs back.
On Tuesday, August 4, the judge announced that the case would be delayed again by three months. The next court hearing is scheduled for November 13.
"According to the Turkish Constitution we are certain to win the case, but the employer is doing everything to drag out the process - something that they are good at doing, too. Again we reiterate: 'Justice delayed is justice denied!!' We will not let the employer break our resistance in front of the company," said Elif Sinirlioglu of Birlesik Metal-IS.
Tony Murphy from the European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF) served as an international court monitor and participated in the demonstration. Addressing the crowd at Taksim Square, Murphy explained that, "Sinter Metal workers are not alone, and millions of EMF and IMF affiliates are with them". He went on to say that the problem is not just the Sinter case, but a larger one involving a long list of violations of workers' rights in Turkey. He called on the Turkish government to stop all violations of workers' right.
Murphy delivered a solidarity message on the IMF's behalf. "Your fight goes beyond the courthouse and company gates. Yours is the global fight for fundamental labour rights and worker protections that all workers should enjoy, but that so many of us must struggle for: the right to join a union, the right to collectively bargain, and the right to strike" an IMF statement read.
On July 16, Klaus Preignitz from IG Metall, Alexander Todic from Serbia, Nina Berg and Susanne Dörflinger from DGB Bildungswerk, and Manfred Wannüffel from Bochum University expressed international solidarity and participated in a demonstration in front of the company in Dudulu Organized Industrial Zone.
The IMF and EMF launched a joint campaign in support of Sinter Metal workers in March 2009. CLICK HERE for more information about this campaign.