30 June, 2009
- In order to achieve these objectives, the IMF works to build a strong international trade union movement capable of effectively representing and promoting workers' interests, in the face of an ever-expanding global economy -- a global economy that has yet to embrace, let alone recognise, adopt and enforce workers' rights.
- The IMF affirms that only through trade unions and the practice of collective bargaining the goals of attaining social security and constant progress for workers can be achieved. The IMF therefore fights for all workers in their desire for freedom of association to form their own trade unions, the right to collective bargaining, the right to enter into collective agreements and the right to strike to achieve their demands.
- The IMF also supports all its affiliated unions, particularly in developing countries, in their efforts to achieve higher living standards for workers and to promote democratic, economic and social development.
- The IMF also fights for all other related internationally recognised labour standards, such as the right to a livable wage, safe and healthy working conditions, prohibitions against discrimination, and prohibitions against child labour or compulsory forced labour.
- The IMF stands ready to make common cause with other independent, autonomous, and democratic trade union organisations, notably the International Trade Union Confederation and other Global Union Federations in pursuing international trade union objectives. It seeks to work with non-governmental organisations which share a commitment to promote trade union and other human rights.
- Specific IMF activities which support these objectives include:
- Supporting the organisational efforts of metalworkers everywhere, particularly in developing countries and in all countries where freedom of association and the existence of free trade unions are threatened.
- Actively voicing metalworkers' positions on potential international trade union, political, social, and economic issues concerning metalworkers throughout the world. Such participation includes appearances and submissions with respect to relevant international forums such as the World Trade Organisation, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, International Trade Union Confederations, etc.
- Serving as a catalyst, depository and exchange of information and material for affiliates needed in accomplishing these objectives.
- Providing moral and practical support and leading in the development of creative and innovative strategies to assist in economic, political and social conflicts.