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4. The Executive Committee

30 June, 2009

  1. The Congress shall elect from among its ranks twenty five members, of whom a minimum of six are to be women, who, together with the President of the Federation, shall constitute the Executive Committee, for the purpose of assisting the Federation's Secretariat in its work and making decisions between meetings of the Congress.

    Seats shall be distributed as follows:
    Africa: 4  representatives, including at least 1 woman;
    Asia & the Pacific: 4 representatives, including at least 1 woman;
    Latin America & Caribbean: 4  representatives, including at least 1 woman;
    North America: 4  representatives, including at least 1 woman;
    Western Europe: 6  representatives, including at least 1 woman; and
    Central & Eastern Europe: 3 representatives, including at least 1 woman.
    However, should vacancies on the Executive Committee occur between Congresses, the Central Committee retains its authority to elect new members.
  2. If an Executive Committee member is unable to attend a meeting, the substitute designated by the Executive Committee member shall attend the meeting. The Executive Committee members shall designate in writing to the General Secretary their substitutes within 60 days after the conclusion of the Congress.  The substitutes are to be confirmed by the Executive Committee.
  3. The Executive Committee shall determine its own rules. In doing so, the Executive Committee may hold its meetings and conduct its business by utilising new technologies.
  4. The Executive Committee has the authority to establish special committees for specific work on areas of important concern.
  5. The Vice President shall  conduct proceedings in the President's absence.
  6. Presidents of Industrial and Organisational Departments shall participate in Executive Committee meetings as observers.
  7. The Executive Committee shall appoint a certified public accountant to audit the books and accounts of the Federation.
  8. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year and, subject to the requirement to act consistently with the decisions of Congress and the Central Committee, is responsible for all policies and activities between meetings of the Central Committee.
  9. The General Secretary and the Assistant General Secretaries shall take part in meetings in a consultative capacity.
  10. The salaries of the General Secretary, the Assistant General Secretaries, the Department Heads and the Representatives of the Regional & Project Offices, as well as their conditions of employment shall be determined by the Executive Committee as proposed by the President.