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Showing 71-80 of 1745 results

India: workers’ strike ahead of upcoming general elections

16 February, 2024Today millions of workers in India went on strike to highlight real issues of working people ahead of the country’s upcoming general elections this year. Main demands of trade union organisations include withdrawal of the four labour codes, fixing the minimum wage at INR26,000 (US$313), withdrawal of the proposal to privatise public sector enterprises, including the Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant, and restoration of the old pension scheme for organised and unorganised workforces. 

Turkish miners missing after landslide

15 February, 2024Nine mine workers are still missing after a cyanide-laced landslide swept across a valley in İliç, Erzincan, running into an open pit and crashing into a road where mineworkers were travelling by vehicle.

Garment workers in Sri Lanka attacked by employer

15 February, 2024On 9 February, management of Sumithra Group in Sri Lanka physically assaulted union members in the Hasalaka factory and forcefully prevented workers from attending a union meeting scheduled that day. According to the union, brands sourcing from the factory include ASDA, Superdry and Dillard’s.

Cost-of-living crisis hurdle for organizing in Ethiopia

15 February, 2024IndustriALL Global Union affiliated unions organizing in Ethiopia's automotive, chemical, electronics, energy, mining, pulp and paper, petroleum, and textile and garment sectors met in Addis Ababa on 13 February to discuss how to strengthen their recruitment and organizing strategies to boost membership amidst a dire cost-of-living crisis. 

Gaza’s journalists face hunger as well as bombing

14 February, 2024As the war in Gaza continues, global union federations are shining a light on the crisis workers face across all economic sectors. Through a series of essays and articles on our websites, we aim to expose the conflict's devastating impact on livelihoods, safety and well-being for working people while emphasizing the urgent need for a ceasefire. When possible, we will give information about how you can take action to help these workers in Gaza.

Indian garment workers protest delay in wage increase

14 February, 2024On 12 February, the Garment and Fashion Workers’ Union (GAFWU), affiliated to IndustriALL through Unions United, protested outside the labour commissioner’s office in Chennai, India, against the prolonged delay in the notification of the new minimum wage.

Reflecting on labour and community gains at the Mining Indaba

8 February, 2024This year's Mining Indaba in Cape Town on 5-8 February, celebrated 30 years of existence with over 10,000 delegates from the mining industry, governments, civil society organisations, and trade unions.

Zambian unions campaign for revived production at Konkola Copper Mine

7 February, 2024To protect jobs at Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) Zambian unions are meeting with the Zambian President and the development ministry as part of their campaign strategy for resolving disputes and for production levels to be revived. The mine employs over 3,000 permanent workers with more than 10,000 workers employed by sub-contractors along the value chain. 

Iranian workers pause strike as employer pledges to meet demands

6 February, 2024After suspending their strike and then going back on it due to failed promises, Iranian steel workers have again suspended the strike after employers have committed to their demands, which include alignment of salaries with other steel companies, implementation of a job classification plan and reinstating dismissed workers.

Unions from across the globe call for an end to irresponsible management at GFG Alliance/Liberty Steel

6 February, 2024Following a crisis meeting with GFG Alliance / Liberty Steel trade unions from across the globe, industriAll Europe and IndustriALL Global Union – both representing millions of workers in mining, energy and manufacturing industries in Europe and worldwide – are calling for an end to Mr Gupta’s irresponsible management which is putting Europe’s strategic steel production at risk.