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Indonesia unions calling for replacement of Omnibus Law

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14 February, 2025IndustriALL Global Union Indonesia affiliates collectively calls on the Indonesian President, Prabowo Subianto, to replace the controversial Omnibus Law with a worker-friendly labour law. 

The Indonesian Constitutional Court accepted 21 of 71 petition points from unions last November and ordered the government to pass a new law within two years. Unions are now planning the next steps in the anti-Omnibus Law campaign.

At the IndustriALL Indonesia unity meeting on 31 January-1 February in Jakarta, the council decided to form a labour law reform team to study remaining Omnibus Law issues.

The team will prepare a list of common demands of IndustriALL affiliates by December and consult legal experts before sharing it with stakeholders. The participants said it is imperative to include IndustriALL affiliates’ demands in the upcoming new labour law.

IndustriALL Indonesia council chairperson Iwan Kusmawan said : 

“The anti-Omnibus Law struggle after the constitutional court decision is to monitor the implementation of the court decision, particularly on wage stagnation before the court decision. In 2025, President Prabowo increased the provincial or district minimum wages by 6.5 per cent and set the sectoral minimum wage. We welcome the announcement and promulgation of the new ministerial order on minimum wage 2025.”

On 13 February, IndustriALL general secretary, Atle Høie, wrote to the Indonesian government and urged the president to take immediate action and begin comprehensive consultations with trade unions, including IndustriALL affiliates, to enforce the Constitutional Court’s ruiling and legislate a new employment law. He emphasized that minimum wage covering all workers and sectoral minimum wage be reinstated. 
IndustriALL assistant general secretary Kemal Özkan said :

“IndustriALL believes that both the confederation and federation of trade unions should play an active role in fighting the regressive Omnibus law. We will communicate with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) to promote the vertical cooperation of trade unions in Indonesia.”

Furthermore, the Indonesia unity meeting recommended setting up an OSH-alarm centre to activate the occupational safety and health department of each affiliate. The participants agreed to improve collective bargaining agreements to protect freedom of association and include just transition provisions.  
IndustriALL Indonesia council also committed to increase the participation of women and youth in union structures, women and youth committees and negotiation teams of collective bargaining.