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Holcim workers on strike for over 70 days in Peru

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24 February, 2025Workers at Compañía Minera Agregados Calcáreos S.A. (Comacsa), which is owned by Holcim, have been on strike for over 70 days demanding that the multinational agree to the terms of the union’s proposed collective bargaining agreement.

Sitramac – the union of Comacsa workers affiliated to FETRIMAP-CGTP, which in turn is an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate in Peru – began a general strike on 6 December 2024, after the action was approved by the labour ministry. The union called on the labour ministry and other authorities to intervene, as Holcim failed to propose a wage increase.  

Swiss company Holcim, a world leader in construction solutions, acquired all shares and operations of the Peruvian company Comacsa in August 2024. However, the company has refused to improve workers’ financial conditions, with workers claiming that Holcim is yet to agree to any of the financial terms set out in their proposed collective bargaining agreement.

“Workers condemn the fact that, despite Holcim’s strong financial position globally, Comacsa has not yet responded to their demands for wage increases or improved working conditions. Our struggle has just begun dear colleagues and we will take it all the way,”

said FETRIMAP-CGTP secretary general, Gilmer Ibañez Melendrez.

According to the union leader, the dispute is yet to be resolved even though the union has asked Peru’s labour ministry to intervene. 

Alexander Ivanou, IndustriALL director for glass, cement, ceramic and associated industries, said:

“IndustriALL stands in full solidarity with the Comacsa workers in their brave struggle for fair working conditions. It is unacceptable that, after more than 70 days of strike action, Holcim still refuses to meet the union's legitimate demands.

Holcim must respect the workers’ right to fair collective bargaining and address their demands for wage increases and improved working conditions immediately. We also urge Peru’s labour ministry to take urgent action to ensure a fair and just settlement.

The workers are not alone – IndustriALL and affiliates will continue to support their struggle until justice is achieved. We will stand with them and fight back until victory is won!”