Electronics unions in India unite to organize and strengthen networking4 March, 2025A workshop on organizing and union building in the ICT, electrical & electronics sector under the India MNC supply chain project was held in Mumbai on 24-25 February. IndustriALL affiliates representing workers in the fast growing sector of India attended the event with the objective of strengthening union organizing and increasing their presence in the sector.
Malaysia: women union leaders reject unsafe and unhealthy working conditions3 March, 2025At the 27 February IndustriALL Malaysia women’s committee meeting, 30 women union leaders, from IndustriALL Global Union Malaysia affiliates, highlighted unsafe and unhealthy practices in the country's manufacturing sectors.
Stronger enforcement of EU Ship Recycling Regulation is needed 3 March, 2025The European Commission’s recent evaluation of the EU Ship Recycling Regulation (EU SRR) has once again highlighted the urgent need for stricter enforcement to prevent hazardous working conditions and environmental damage in global shipbreaking yards.
Where are workers now, three years into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?27 February, 2025For decades, Ukraine’s coal miners have been the backbone of the nation’s energy sector, fueling homes, industries and progress with their labour. But today, their struggle is not only for fair wages and working conditions it is for survival, dignity and the hope of rebuilding their shattered lives. Among them, the Trade Union of Coal Industry Workers of Ukraine (Ukrvugleprofspilka) an IndustriALL affiliate—stands as their last line of defense, fighting for their rights in this harsh reality.
Mobilize for gender equality27 February, 2025The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, turning 30 this year, has been key in driving a new women’s rights and a gender equality agenda. However, the UN highlights that despite significant strides, progress on gender equality, the rights and empowerment of all women and girls remain slow.
Holcim workers on strike for over 70 days in Peru24 February, 2025Workers at Compañía Minera Agregados Calcáreos S.A. (Comacsa), which is owned by Holcim, have been on strike for over 70 days demanding that the multinational agree to the terms of the union’s proposed collective bargaining agreement.
Unjust conviction of Korean unionists at Hanwha Ocean 20 February, 2025The Tongyeong Branch of Changwon District Court in South Korea has convicted 28 subcontracted shipbuilding workers at Hanwha Ocean of "obstruction of business" following their 51-day strike in 2022, part of their struggle for union recognition.
Binding agreements are key to progress 20 February, 2025IndustriALL’s delegation at the 2025 OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector in Paris earlier this month underscored the growing consensus that voluntary commitments are failing workers; legally binding agreements are the way forward. Trade unions at the forum, brand representatives and other stakeholders discussed the pressing need for accountability, mandatory due diligence and the role of collective action in ensuring responsible business practices.
Campaigning Yazaki workers reach favourable agreement after company closes plants in Uruguay17 February, 2025Former employees at Yazaki Uruguay have reached a favourable agreement with the Japanese firm after it announced that it was closing its plants in the country. Following a long campaign, Yazaki has agreed to an additional payout for workers.
Indonesia unions calling for replacement of Omnibus Law 14 February, 2025IndustriALL Global Union Indonesia affiliates collectively calls on the Indonesian President, Prabowo Subianto, to replace the controversial Omnibus Law with a worker-friendly labour law.