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Showing 4831-4840 из 6755 results

Metalworkers, miners and maritime workers unite

24 февраля, 2010IMF commits to strategic engagement at global level to counter power of TNCs seeking to undermine workers' rights and conditions worldwide.

Jobs secured at Automotive Lighting in Germany

4 марта, 2010130 jobs secured at Automotive Lighting in Reutlingen, Germany after a three week strike.

Samsung called to account for semiconductor cancer deaths

5 марта, 2010Trade union/NGO coalition launches global campaign calling on Samsung to accept responsibility for occupational deaths and to provide safe and decent working conditions.

Mediated talks at Vale breakdown

9 марта, 2010The strike at Vale in Canada continues after mediated talks broke down on March 7, despite USW attempts to reach a settlement. IMF and ICEM will again show support at a rally in Sudbury on March 22.

Women hit hard by financial crisis

11 марта, 2010Pre-existing inequalities exacerbates effects of the financial crisis on women, concludes a meeting of metalworker unions held in commemoration of International Women's Day.

Foxconn dismisses workers after protest

4 марта, 2010Foxconn dismisses 75 night shift workers and threatens job losses for another 300 after workers protest against being detained and forced to work extra time after midnight on February 20, 2010.

Tenaris delegation makes solidarity visit to SINTRATUCAR in Colombia

15 марта, 2010As arranged last year, trade union representatives of Tenaris workers have visited Cartagena, Colombia, in solidarity with their SINTRATUCAR colleagues, who are currently faced with a difficult situation.

Second complaint on Mexican protection contracts lodged with ILO

15 марта, 2010A second complaint regarding the use of protection contracts in Mexico was lodged in February 2010 with the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Committee on Freedom of Association following an earlier, similar complaint lodged by the International Metalworkers' Federation.

Court rules to reinstate ITUA union leader

17 марта, 2010On March 15 a district court in Russia ruled illegal the dismissal of Evgeny Ivanov and ordered General Motors pay him three and a half months' wages in arrears and compensate moral harm.

Good policies on cleaner cars will create jobs

18 марта, 2010UAW calls for cleaner cars and strong climate policy to drive economic recovery and create 150,000 jobs in the U.S.

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