16 May, 2008Dispute at Bosal auto parts producer in Turkey resolved and the six dismissed workers reinstated.
TURKEY: Six workers were reinstated at an auto parts plant in Turkey on May 9 after weeks of negotiations by Birleşik Metal-Is with the local management and solidarity support from abroad.
The six workers we dismissed on April 2 in the midst of a struggle to ensure Birlesik's legitimacy to continue as the union representing the workers at the site. Under Turkish law, unions must seek authorisation every two years to continue as the representative union at a work site. Affiliated to the IMF, Birleşik were facing attacks by local management at Bosal who were pressuring workers to resign from their union and join another union.
On April 5, the crucial day for authorization, Birleşik was able to prove they had more than 51 per cent of the workers unionised at the site, thereby regaining the right for collective bargaining with the company for another two years.
Despite gaining recognition at the site, management resisted reinstating the six dismissed workers. In reaction on May 6 the workers slowed production down to 20 per cent and continued to fight for the workers reinstatement.
On May 9, after numerous meetings and letters of support from other unions, the European Metalworkers' Federation and the International Metalworkers' Federation, the company agreed to reinstate all six workers.
"This very hard, painful and antagonistic process had a strong impact on Bosal workers. They had a chance to understand the importance of solidarity and unity first among themselves and second internationally," said the union. The union also sent thanks to those that sent solidarity support to the workers.