4 August, 2010Two shipbreaking workers in Gadani, Pakistan die following an industrial accident on July 30, six are left with severe burns. The Shipbreaking Democratic Workers' Union held a demonstration on August 1 attended by a large number of workers from the different Gadani Yards.
PAKISTAN: Shipbreaking workers Karam Hussain and Sadam Hussain were killed in an industrial accident on July 30 at shipbreaking yard no. 86 in Gadani, Pakistan. Six workers were also severely burnt. No ambulances were available to take the victims to the hospital, so workers arranged for a loading truck.
A demonstration was organized on August 1 by the Democratic Workers' Union affiliated to the National Trade Union Federation (NTUF) of Pakistan. A large number of workers from different yards in Gadani attended the demonstration, carrying red flags, banners and placards with slogans in support of their demands.
The union's demands include:
- Compensation to the families of the deceased and injured workers
- Social security
- Locating hospitals nearby shipbreaking yards
- Availability of an ambulance around the clock
- Safe working conditions
- Provision of drinking water
- Canteen
- Right to form a union
- Appealing to the chief of justice to intervene for curbing lawlessness at the shipbreaking yards.
Bashir Mehoodani, President of the Shipbreaking Democratic Workers' Union, Nasir Mansoor, Deputy General Secretary, NTUF, Mukhtiar Raho, General Secretary, Labour Party, Pakistan and Mohammed Rafiq of NTUF addressed the demonstration. The leaders said that since the beginning of 2010 there have been 20 deaths in the shipbreaking yards and 300 injuries, but not a single case has been registered with the police because of the close relationship between ship owners and the authorities.