18 June, 2009

In the process of developing a new Action Programme we see the strengths of the International Metalworkers' Federation. We find that the things that unite us are much greater than the things that divide us. In the borderless world of today, we share common experiences, challenges and an analysis of the situation facing workers globally.
This common ground helps the IMF family to decide upon the direction we will take in order to tackle the problems metalworkers confront every day.
The fact that this Action Programme was adopted in the midst of a global economic crisis is not insignificant. But we didn't need the global crisis to understand that the neoliberal model that used to dominate the world was destructive to workers' rights and social development.
This IMF Action Programme adopted at the 32nd World Congress puts increased emphasis on concrete action and what IMF affiliates can accomplish together through global solidarity. In order to maximise our influence we need to mobilise the forces of the whole IMF family.
We have to invest more resources in organising everywhere. We will systematically target transnational companies that are reluctant to allow workers to exercise their fundamental rights.
The campaign against precarious employment becomes solidified in this document. The Programme recognises that we need to say and do more on the question of sustainable development and combating global warming.
Building trade union networks in transnational companies offers a possibility for exchange of information and joint action to make sure that enterprises behave well wherever they operate. Union building programmes help us strengthen trade unions where they are weak.
This Action Programme contains exciting and challenging new commitments for IMF affiliates to respond with real and effective action to build stronger unions and when workers' rights are violated. If we work together to implement this Action Programme, we can achieve our mission.
In solidarity,
Jyrki Raina,
IMF General Secretary
June 2009