14 May, 2009Trade union network representing Ford workers across all regions emerges stronger.

USA: The IMF Ford Network met the 22nd to the 24th of April in Detroit, bringing together 37 delegates from 12 countries representing all regions, to discuss how to further effective means of solidarity for workers across the company's production chain. The meeting sought ways to built on efforts underway since 2007.
Trade unions agreed to a number of concrete steps. Outcomes included means to furthering the network's coordination capacities, making progress towards an international framework agreement, exploring ways to support organizing Ford and supplier workers and defending trade union rights, as well as facilitating information exchange.
Participants were informed about two important struggles involving workers at Ford suppliers, which were brought directly to the attention of Ford management. Significant gains have been subsequently won by the workers and unions.
The first was the dramatic fight for justice for 610 Visteon workers, members of Unite the Union in the UK, who had been sacked with only a minute's notice, in the process denied their rightful redundancy pay and their pensions hit. Workers' fight-back for just compensation went beyond even the Ford redundancy terms and included as well the right to be considered for jobs at Ford, the former employer of the vast majority of the workforce.
In Thailand, workers involved in a two-month dispute at Siam Michelin were strongly supported by the IMF affiliate TEAM and by rubber workers of the Petroleum and Chemical Workers' Federation affiliated to ICEM. The dispute was favourably resolved on 28 April though settlement of a collectively bargained agreement, the release of 20 jailed workers with all charges against them dropped, and required payment of the annual bonus in May.