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Rules of the Goodyear Global Union Network

12 April, 2007(Modified by the Goodyear Global Union Network Meeting held on March 19 – 20, 2007 in Akron, Ohio, USA)


In this era of globalization, there is an undeniable need for unions to build alliances across the borders with each other to better protect workers from the escalating aggressions of corporate transnationals.

This is especially so for unions with members employed at Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., which operates in many countries around the world and is one of the world`s largest tire manufacturer. For the workers` and their unions` mutual defence and advancement, it is needed to share information and experiences and unite each other for common goals.

It is affirmed the age-old labour movement adage that “an injury, to one of us is an injury to all of us” and pledge our unions` full support to help other Goodyear unions in need of our solidarity.

To carry out this mission it is committed to create the ICEM Global Network of Goodyear Unions. The global network will be the means to carry out communications and solidarity efforts on behalf of the networks’ member unions.

The network shall operate as follows:


1. All democratic unions with members employed at Goodyear shall be entitled to participate in the network. All network participants are strongly encouraged to affiliate to the ICEM.


2. The Network shall have a Steering Committee, which will guide the work of the network. The Steering Committee shall consist of one representative from each of the following regions :

a. Africa
b. Asia and Pacific
c. Europe
d. Latin America and Caribbean
e. North America

In the event that Goodyear expands to other regions, the Steering Committee can and should be expanded to include those regions.

3. Steering Committee members shall be chosen at the Network Meeting by the respective regional sub-groups from the unions which are affiliates in good standing of the ICEM.

4. The North American regional representative shall serve as chairperson of the Steering Committee and the Network.

5. S/he shall convene steering committee meetings on an as-needed bases, but not less than biannually. Meetings will be primarily held by tele-conference.

6. The Steering Committee shall also include as an ex-officio member a designated person from the ICEM Secretariat, who shall assist in staffing the network

7. Steering Committee members shall serve until the next meeting of the Network, at any rate no longer than a period of 4 years.

8. In case that a Steering Committee position becomes vacant, a replacement for that region will be selected by mutual agreement of unions participating in the network in that region.


9. Steering Committee members shall commit to consulting with the other unions in their respective regions and reporting back to them about the work of the steering committee between the meetings, and activating unions in their region when there is a need for action. Steering Committee members will help to organize participation in the Network activities within their respective regions.

10. The Steering Committee shall also serve as a negotiating body in the event that negotiations at global level with Goodyear management are possible beginning immediately with Occupational Health, Safety and Environment.

11. Steering Committee members shall gather information relevant to the Network in their respective regions and forward this information to the Network Chairperson.


12. Goodyear Global Union Network shall strive to produce a Network Newsletter at least biannually. The Network Chairperson shall take a lead role in producing this newsletter.

13. Goodyear Global Union Network shall explore other media instruments, including online communications tools to communicate the Network news to union members and other audiences.

14. Goodyear Global Union Network shall establish a database of contacts to facilitate communication of network news and events. Steering Committee members shall work to build this database through gathering contact information for appropriate union representatives in their respective regions, and forwarding this contact information to the Network Chairperson.


15. Unions participating in the Network shall gather and communicate news pertaining to Goodyear and relevant to the Network to their regional Steering Committee member.

16. Unions participating in the Network shall share Network news, including the Network Newsletter, to their members employed by Goodyear.

17. Unions participating in the Network shall seek the full support and solidarity of their members in the Network activities, including support actions for the unions in disputes with Goodyear.