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Mexico Days of Action Begin

14 February, 2011

Actions around the world have begun, marking the Global Days of Action for trade union rights in Mexico, 14-19 February. Support the campaign now by writing to the Mexican government through the LabourStart campaign here. 

Today, an international trade union delegation met with the Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Mr. Gomez Camacho, to deliver the demands of the global campaign. Some 60 labour activists turned out.

Adriana Rosenzvaig, Manfred Warda, Fernando Lopes

Manfred Warda, ICEM General Secretary, Fernando Lopes, Assistant General Secretary of the International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF), and Adriana Rosenzvaig, SCORE Director at UNI, met inside with the Ambassador while a demonstration continued outside the Mission.

Warda said the one-hour-and-twenty-minute meeting proved that Camacho had been briefed on the manifestation's purpose. "The only issue he was not familiar with is protection contracts in Mexico," said Warda. "We had to explain how these contracts infringe on genuine trade union rights."

A 50,000 strong march in Mexico City on 31 January saw trade unionists protest shoulder to shoulder against the repressive policies of the Calderón regime. The National Union of Miners marched with the Electricians Union, Pilots’, Teachers’, and farmers’ organisations, calling for social, political, and economic change.

Geneva police question ICEM's Tom Grinter and UNIA's Luis Blanco over rally permit

The Calderón government must heed the warnings of this global movement, and end abuses of trade union rights in Mexico.

Rallies and meetings with Mexican Ambassadors will be conducted simultaneously in over 30 countries this week, in a coordinated effort by unions affiliated to the ICEM, IMF, UNI, the International Transport Workers’ Federation, and the ITUC.

Where demonstrations are not possible, unions are sending written protests and demands to the Mexican government from around the world.

Mexico City

Australia: The global campaign will hold a launch event with the support of Australian trade unions on 15 February. Co-ordinated by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), with support from the Construction, Forestry, Mining, and Energy Union (CFMEU), the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU), the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), the Australian Workers’ Union (AWU), and others, a rally and meeting with the Mexican ambassador is planned for 18 February. At the biennial delegates’ conference of the AWU tomorrow, IMF General Secretary Jyrki Raina will address the global campaign on Mexico.

Canada: With coordinating support from the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), the Communications, Energy, Paperworkers (CEP) Union of Canada, the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW), Transport Workers’ Union (TWU), and the United Steelworkers (USW), leading actions will occur in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. These will include a meeting with the Mexican ambassador in Canada, and demonstrations, depending on the local circumstances.

Toronto, Canada

France: Unions in France are organizing for a delegation to visit the Mexican Embassy in Paris. In addition, through their existing relationship with managers, French unions are also contacting French transnationals on situations of companies’ production plants in Mexico regarding unions, collective bargaining, and wage and working conditions.

Mexico: Unions in Mexico are planning to take action over the entire week, including a press conference in the capital, rallies at embassies of countries where others are taking action, and a march and seminar on 19 February. The Mexican Miners’ Union is also planning a series of events in Pasta de Conchos, Puebla, and elsewhere where the union has strong presences.

Jakarta, Indonesia

The Netherlands: FNV Bondgenoten will continue its trade union freedom campaign during the global week of action, including media work and asking five Dutch multinationals with protection contracts in Mexico to start dialogue with the trade union. Those companies are AkzoNobel, Heineken, ING, Philips, and Unilever. For more go to: http://tradeunionfreedom.fnvcompanymonitor.nl/  

Brussels, Belgium

Russia: Unions in Russia were awarded the right to protest at the Mexican Embassy and are preparing a letter to give to the Mexican ambassador and articles and press coverage on the issue.

Moscow, Russia, -25°C

Turkey: Unions in Turkey will mobilize members to visit the Mexican embassy, present a protest letter, and take picket action in front of the embassy.

Geneva, Switzerland

US: AFL-CIO and affiliates, including USW are holding events in 14 cities. The ICEM-affiliated United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America (UE) is organising actions also in many cities. The priority is to meet with Mexican embassy/consulate officials, supplemented by demonstrations and press work where appropriate. Washington D.C. picket.

Download the campaign materials here.