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Showing 751-760 of 1838 results

Union win in Tunisia

3 December, 202024 out of the 56 workers dismissed in February at Tunisian garment factory Gartex have been reinstated, following IndustriALL’s intervention which led to dialogue between the employer and the union Fédération Générale du Textile, de l'Habillement, Chaussure et Cuir - FGTHCC-UGTT.

Korean metalworkers' warning strike

2 December, 2020On 30 November, over 80,000 metalworkers downed tools at hundreds of workplaces across Korea in a national warning strike against the government’s proposed labour law revisions, now in parliament.

Global unions call on Swiss to vote for corporate responsibility

27 November, 2020On Sunday, Swiss citizens will vote in the Responsible Business Initiative referendum. If adopted, the initiative will mean that companies headquartered in Switzerland will be legally responsible for what happens in throughout their global operations including their value chains. It is an important step to hold multinationals accountable for violations, regardless of in which country they occur; there will be nowhere hide.

Make Amazon Pay

27 November, 2020The pandemic has exposed how Amazon places profits ahead of workers, society, and our planet. Amazon takes too much and gives back too little; it is time to Make Amazon Pay. On Black Friday, 27 November, the biggest retail sales day in the United States, as well as in other parts of the world, workers, unions, global unions and activists are taking action. Let’s make this a Bad Friday for Amazon’s bosses.

Over 250 million workers join national strike in India

26 November, 2020Despite repression, a joint general strike by workers and farmers has shut down India. Over 250 million workers took part in the 26 November strike.

Kyrgyzstan must abandon anti-union draft law

23 November, 2020On 18 November, Kyrgyz unions protested against a draft law on trade unions that, if adopted, would deprive workers of the freedom of association.

IndustriALL’s Executive Committee calls for solidarity and unity

20 November, 2020Union responses to the Covid-19 pandemic was on the agenda when the Executive Committee met online on 19 November. The corona crisis is again showing how vulnerable global supply chains are; consequences for workers, especially at the bottom of the supply chain, are dire and dramatic. But unions around the world are showing they can fight back and win.

Developing a global trade union battery supply chain strategy

20 November, 2020Battery production will be one of the fastest growing industrial activities in the years to come. Due diligence and opportunities for organizing along the complex supply chain were discussed at a webinar bringing together unions, experts as well as industrial directors.

Union federations create IndustriALL Brazil

19 November, 2020Union federations CUT and Força Sindical have joined forces to create IndustriALL Brazil, bringing together 10 million workers from different manufacturing sectors.

Unions in Ghana push African industrialization agenda

19 November, 2020Some of the strategies to boost manufacturing that will push Africa’s industrialization efforts is to develop and implement sustainable economic development policies, concluded IndustriALL Global Union affiliates at a conference on African industrialization in Accra.