29 April, 2021IndustriALL and French car manufacturer Renault signed an important addendum to the global framework agreement from 2019, specifying conditions for remote work in a rapidly changing world of work.
Although telework is nothing new, the pandemic has changed our lives and the way we work forever. For over a year, this has been the predominant way of work for many white-collar workers. The OECD estimates that around a fourth of the formal jobs are being performed remotely with a prediction that it can reach over 40 per cent very soon. This icreases the need to regulate telework through legislation and collective bargaining.
The global framework agreement (GFA), signed in 2013 with Renault, was complemented by a second GFA on the quality of working life in 2019. The agreement is called “Building the world of work together at Renault Group” and was called precedent-setting as it was the first global agreement to address the transformation in the world of work.
The GFA already contained a chapter on remote working, but as the world of work is rapidly changing, not least due to the Covid-19 pandemic, IndustriALL and Renault agreed to reinforce the principles and values.
“The pandemic has forced a significant part of the workforce to work remotely, and it is of utmost importance to ensure workers' rights are well protected. This agreement with Renault is an important milestone as it sets high global standards and offers a framework for national/local bargaining. We will address other companies about this subject in the hope they will follow this good example,”
says IndustriALL general secretary Valter Sanches.
The groundbreaking agreement specifies the conditions under which remote working can be carried out within the Renault Group. Among other things, it addresses:
- That participation in remote working schemes is voluntary and reversible
- Protection of privacy
- Promotion of occupational health and safety and ergonomic work place equipment with financial support of the employer
- Respect for working time and for the existing collective bargaining agreements
- The right to disconnect
- Involvement of trade unions in remote work, for staying in contact with members, information sharing etc
In addition, the addendum promotes and encourages negotiations of local and national agreements at Renault to capture national laws and regulations and other items that are specific to a certain location/country.
The signing of the global agreement with Renault coincides with IndustriALL opening a consultation process with sector co-chairs for guidelines on remote work. Once the consultation process is finalized, the guidelines will be made available to all affiliates.