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Showing 5871-5877 of 5877 results


25 May, 2012Brunel is a Netherlands-based international recruitment and service provider specialized in deploying skilled workers in the fields of engineering, ICT, legal, finance and insurance and banking.


25 May, 2012The Global Framework Agreement entitled "Basic principles of social responsibility at Bosch", with the German-based automotive and engineering transnational was signed with the Bosch Group European Works Council, and the International Metalworkers' Federation.


25 May, 2012The agreement commits BMW to comply with all the International Labour Organisation core labour conventions along with provisions on remuneration, working time and occupational health and safety.


25 May, 2012Evonik, formerly RAG, is one of the world’s leading specialty chemicals companies, employing over 33,000 workers and generating annual sales of 14.5 billion Euros.


25 May, 2012The key theme underlining the agreement is the "development and sustainability of the gold mining industry worldwide" and in upholding and implementing "good human resources and industrial relations practices". The promotion and respect for human and trade union rights, health and safety, environmental protection and the promotion of good relationships with local mine communities are pivotal to the agreement.

About us

30 April, 2012IndustriALL Global UnionIndustriALL Global Union represents 50 million workers in 140 countries in the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors and is a force in global solidarity taking up the fight for better working conditions and trade union rights around the world.


30 April, 2012Media ContactsIndustriALL Global Union head officePetra Brännmark, Communications DirectorTel: +41 22 308 50 57Mob: +41 (0)79 198 69 13Email: [email protected]