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Showing 5001-5010 of 5745 results

Bangladeshi unions reject inadequate labour law changes

13 June, 2013 Bangladeshi union leaders have rejected new labour law proposals drawn up by the government, saying they failed to improve their right to organize workers and guarantee freedom of association.

Egyptian trade union leader facing jail

13 June, 2013Yousri Maarouf, President of the new Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress (EDLC) faces three years imprisonment for trade union activities. IndustriALL Global Union is mobilizing support for Brother Yousri ahead of his key court hearing on 16 June at Egypt’s Supreme Court.

Unionists of the world ride for workers’ rights

13 June, 2013On Wednesday 12 June trade union leaders and activists from around the world joined together to participate in a bicycle ride called ‘Route of Shame’ to visit missions and embassies in Geneva, Switzerland and draw attention to countries consistently violating workers’ rights.

Annual ITUC report published on Trade Union Rights Violations

13 June, 2013Focusing especially on Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Guatemala, Burma, Fiji, Georgia and Bahrain, this year’s annual ITUC survey is a valuable resource.

415 Cambodian Nike workers sacked for striking

12 June, 2013One of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliated garment worker trade unions in Cambodia, the FTUWKC, has suffered a serious backlash for striking in demand of a US$14 monthly pay increase. IndustriALL is working with Nike to intervene.

IndustriALL supports global campaign for tax justice

12 June, 2013There is increasing understanding that tax dodging by big corporations undermines public spending and equality in both developed and developing countries.

Italian unions protest against 1,425 layoffs at Indesit

12 June, 2013The Italian trade unions protest against the reorganization announced by the company early in June.

Zewu challenges the dismissal of their President in Labour Court

12 June, 2013Zewu President Angeline Chitambo will appear at the labour court on Thursday in the ongoing battle to challenge her unfair dismissal by the state owned utility Zesa nearly a year ago.

International premiere of “Working Class Heroes”

11 June, 2013FNV Mondiaal will screen the international premiere of “Working Class Heroes”, at the ILO on 13 June, a documentary uncovering the struggles of trade unionists in Indonesia and Colombia.

Textile workers reach sectoral agreement in Jordan

10 June, 2013After a year of struggle IndustriALL's Jordanian affiliate, the General Trade Union of Workers in Textile, Garment & Clothing Industries, reached a sectoral agreement with the two employers’ associations: Jordan Garments, Accessories & Textiles Exporters’ Association and the Association of owners of Factories, workshops and Garments.