11 November, 2013IndustriALL Global Union supports the call for action and joins workers around the world on 18-24 November to demand good jobs at Walmart stores, and throughout Walmart’s supply chain.
The US multinational Walmart is the largest and richest retailer in the world with profits over US$17 billion. And it’s owned by one of the richest families in the world – the Waltons – who are worth more than US$144 billion. Yet when workers have spoken out seeking to improve their jobs Walmart and the Waltons have refused. In the United States when workers in OUR Walmart, the US organization of Walmart workers, have spoken out for better jobs, Walmart has tried to silence and intimidate those who speak out through unfair disciplinary actions, cutbacks in hours and even firings.
Now workers and their unions in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Zambia and the United States are joining together to demand better pay and working conditions for the 2.2 million Walmart workers through the UNI Global Union Alliance @ Walmart. The Alliance is committed to building a strong network among its members to fight for fairness, decent working conditions and a union voice for all Walmart workers. In addition, workers in Walmart’s supply chains are calling for Walmart to improve their working conditions by implementing responsible sourcing policies.