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Showing 501-510 of 5680 results

Union power yields collective bargaining agreements

19 January, 2023Unions in India’s Pune region, who are members of IndustriALL affiliate Shramik Ekta Mahasangh, signed nine collective bargaining agreements with multinational companies in 2022.

Building union power in the textile and garment industry

18 January, 2023Unions all over the world struggle to defend workers’ rights amid employer opposition and complicated global supply chains. To support unions in organizing and bargaining, IndustriALL is launching a handbook for strategic corporate research and campaigning for unions in the textile and garment industry.

FEATURE: Crisis of low wages impoverishes Asian and African textile and garment workers

16 January, 2023After the Covid-19 induced crisis of the last three years, uncertainty continues for millions of workers globally, as the working class is in the grip of a low wage crisis.

Turkish paper workers picket for higher wages

16 January, 2023The majority of the 170 permanent workers at the Kartonsan paper factory in Kocaeli, Turkey, have been on strike since December last year.

Unsafe shipbreaking yards in Bangladesh continue to take workers’ lives

16 January, 2023Workers’ lives continue to be in danger due to the unsafe working conditions at Bangladesh’s shipbreaking yards. Two accidents occurred on 12 January in two separate yards, killing one worker and severely injuring the other.

Organizing with industriALL

16 January, 2023Because workers are stronger together!

Public appeal to cancel Sri Lanka’s debt

16 January, 2023Amid the country’s worst financial crisis, IndustriALL’s affiliates in Sri Lanka are demanding that the country’s debt is cancelled.

Indonesian unions reject emergency regulation replacing Omnibus Law

12 January, 2023IndustriALL affiliates in Indonesia have condemned the emergency regulation in lieu of the Job Creation Law (Perppu) issued by the President in December last year, as it fails to meet union demands.

53 trade unionists graduate from IndustriALL MENA leadership academy

12 January, 2023The IndustriALL MENA leadership academy was established in 2018, responding to the need to develop a new generation of trade unionists, providing them with tools for organizing, building union power, implementing GFAs and just transition.

Striking workers in Turkey achieve 84 per cent wage increase

11 January, 2023After striking for 18 days, workers at Bekaert in Izmit, Turkey, have achieved an astounding 84 per cent pay rise.