23 November, 2023IndustriALL Global Union Indonesia council has set up a national youth committee to strengthen the organizing of young workers.
Eighty-five young unionists met at a youth festival in the country’s capital Jakarta to discuss the trend of decreasing union density in Indonesia. Young workers’ disinterest in trade unions is among the top issues that needs to be addressed by the labour movement.
The young workers are calling on trade unions to strengthen its organizing drive targeting young workers, leveraging on issues affecting youth, such as safety and health, gender-based violence, the future of work and just transition.
The newly elected chairperson of the national youth committee Yanti, says:
“We should provide more training opportunities for youth to build up their capacity. Youth leadership training is vital to prepare the next generation of union leaders.”
IndustriALL Indonesia council chairperson Iwai Kusmawan says:
“I am glad that a national youth committee has been established. It will definitely bring new energy to the IndustriALL Indonesia council and ensure sustainability of the Indonesian labour movement.”
IndustriALL regional secretary for South East Asia, Shinya Iwai, says:
“IndustriALL’s regional office is committed to support the development of an effective youth voice within the organization, whether it is at the national or regional level.”