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Showing 41-50 of 295 results

Niger: unions call for democracy, peace, stability and security

10 August, 2023On 26 July Niger’s democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown by his presidential guard.  General Abdourahamane Tchiani declared himself as head of state after the military seized power. Unions in Niger have called this military intervention in power as unconstitutional and undemocratic. 

South African workers march against socio-economic crisis

7 July, 2023South African workers fed up with corruption, crime, high levels of unemployment, rising inflation and gender-based violence downed tools yesterday in a national day of action on 6 July.  

South African union wins wage increases for leather workers

4 July, 2023To reinforce the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union’s (SACTWU) endless campaign for improving workers’ lives, the union’s leather negotiating team recently won above inflation wage increases in the general goods and handbags and footwear sectors.

Unionists demand all charges against jailed Belarusian trade union leaders be dropped

15 June, 2023Today global unions, trade union activists and delegates in attendance at the 111th International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva gathered at the Broken Chair to call for the immediate release of imprisoned Belarusian trade unionists and an end to the repression of workers’ rights.

Union at Peru’s Antapaccay Mining Company rejects change to shift system

23 May, 2023The union of Antapaccay Mining Company workers (SITRAMINA) is seeking to reverse the change in the company’s shift system. It claims that the new shift pattern is a major health and safety risk and will have a negative impact on workers' family lives.

Using collective bargaining to close the inequality gap

22 May, 2023Collective bargaining is core for trade unions as it is a means through which employers and trade unions can establish fair wages and working conditions, providing the basis for sound labour relations. 

Laboratorios SMA SAC in Peru intensifies union busting

23 March, 2023Peru-based company Laboratorios SMA SAC has sent a pre-termination notice to its union’s general secretary. In response, IndustriALL is calling on the company’s multinational buyers to intervene to stop the union busting, retract the pre-termination notice and negotiate in good faith to resolve outstanding issues.

Independent union signs historic collective bargaining agreement with Saint-Gobain Mexico

16 March, 2023The Independent Union of Free and Democratic Workers of Saint-Gobain Mexico has signed an historic collective bargaining agreement with the multinational building materials manufacturer.

Court orders union’s participation in wage negotiation

24 February, 2023Calcutta High Court rules in favour of IndustriALL affiliate, Indian National Mineworkers’ Federation (INMF), for its participation in the coal industry wage negotiation process. 

Union negotiation wins benefits for mothers

17 February, 2023On 14 February, Indonesia’s Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mining, Oil and Gas Workers’ Union (FSP KEP) received facilities for mothers, after a 5-year long negotiation with PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk (Garudafood). Now 700 women workers can enjoy new facilities like a lactation room, breast feeding facility, childcare centre, and special allowance.