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Improving the H&M Global Framework Agreement together

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10 June, 2024On 3-4 June, the National Monitoring Committees (NMCs) of the global framework agreement (GFA) between H&M, IndustriALL, and IF Metall gathered in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to reinforce their commitment to building relationships, fostering trust among the signatories, and ensuring the continuous improvement of the GFA.

The meeting brought together trade union representatives and H&M staff from six key production countries: India, Bangladesh, Türkiye, Cambodia, Pakistan, and Indonesia. Australian and Japanese affiliates, representing IndustriALL’s textile, garment, shoes, leather (TGSL) global steering committee also participated. 
The meeting aimed to review and update the GFA, improve case handling and access to remedies, enhance the quality of collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) in H&M supplier factories, and address gender-based violence and harassment in the workplace (GBVH). The collaborative atmosphere enabled a thorough examination of the GFA's impact and effectiveness across various regions and contexts.
Trade union representatives shared valuable insights and experiences from their countries, highlighting successes and areas for improvement. Indian trade unions stressed importance of raising supplier awarness about the GFA’s components and requirements through proactive engagement. This initiative aims to ensure all parties understand their roles and responsibilities, fostering better compliance and cooperation.

Pinar Ozcan, president of Öz Iplik-Is an IndustriALL affiliate, provided an overview of the pilot implementation of the GBVH guideline in six supplier factories in Türkiye. 

“During the pilot of the GBVH guideline, the key takeway was the importance of clear communication and consistent implementation to address gender-based issues effectively. The experience of working with H&M was collaborative and dedicated, leading to meaningful progress in creating a safe and respectful workplace environment,”

 stated Pinar Ozcan.

The meeting in Phnom Penh showcased the commitment of all parties involved in the GFA. By sharing experiences and lessons learned, trade unions and H&M staff are now better equipped to tackle ongoing challenges and enhance working conditions across the supply chain. The continuous dialogue and cooperation during these sessions will be vital for maintaining the momentum of positive change. 
Julia Bakutis, labour rights and industrial relations lead, H&M Group said:  

“Our Global Framework Agreement with IndustriALL and IF Metall is a cornerstone of our supply chain social impact strategy. It is more than just a piece of paper: The National Monitoring Committees, where H&M colleagues and IndustriALL affiliates work together in different manufacturing countries, enable us to implement our agreement in a way that ultimately benefits the workers who make our products. It has been many years since we have met in person, and I can see that the great results of this meeting will lead us to even greater impact in the future.”

The updates and insights from this meeting will play a crucial role in refining the GFA, ensuring that it continues to be a strong and effective tool for promoting fair labour practices and safe workplaces globally. 

“Collective engagement and action are necessary for progress and development. Being together in the same space allows us to obtain a clear understanding of situations in different countries and to jointly develop a strategic way forward to benefit workers in the H&M supply chain,”

said Christina Hajagos-Clausen, IndustriALL textile director.  
The NMC consists of H&M Group representatives working on the ground alongside national-level trade union representatives affiliated to IndustriALL. They oversee the implementation of the GFA within the specific country context and part of their role is to facilitate conflict resolution for employees and employers at factories.