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Showing 41-50 of 458 results

Promoting C190 implementation in Nigeria's Textile Sector

27 July, 2023The National Union of Textile, Garment, and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTWN) is leading an initiative in the textile and garment sector, leveraging ILO Convention 190 (C190) to combat gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the workplace.

Malagasy trade unionist seeks justice

13 July, 2023Malagasy trade unionist, Zotiakobanjinina Fanja Marcel Sento Chang (26), vividly recalls the events leading to his unjust imprisonment for nine months for a social media post about discussions during a meeting with management at the E-Toile SA garment factory in Antananarivo where he worked as a machinist. 

South African union wins wage increases for leather workers

4 July, 2023To reinforce the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union’s (SACTWU) endless campaign for improving workers’ lives, the union’s leather negotiating team recently won above inflation wage increases in the general goods and handbags and footwear sectors.

Justice for murdered trade union leader

30 June, 2023The IndustriALL Bangladesh Council held a protest at the Gazipur district commissioner's office on Monday 26 June, to demanding justice for the murder of Shahidul Islam Shahid, president of the Gazipur unit of Bangladesh Garments and Industrial Workers Federation (BGIWF), who was killed a day earlier.

IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union demand justice in the murder of trade union leader in Bangladesh

28 June, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union condemn in the strongest possible terms the killing of trade union leader Shahidul Islam Shahid on 25 June in Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Building workers’ power along the Hop Lun Group supply chain

19 June, 2023Union leaders and workers from Hop Lun production facilities in Bangladesh and Indonesia met in Semarang city, Indonesia on 10 June, committing to building solidarity and improving industrial relations throughout the supply chain.

Military breaks strike in Myanmar garment factory

15 June, 2023Military crackdown on striking workers and subsequent arrests at a factory producing for Spanish fashion giant Zara yet again make it blatantly clear that freedom of association is impossible in Myanmar.

6 workers killed in Casablanca factory collapse

13 June, 2023The collapse of sections of a building housing a textile factory in Casablanca, Morocco led to the death of six workers. The tragedy occurred on 8 June in the early hours of the morning, in the Tit Mellil industrial zone.

Unionist nine-month jail ordeal expose workers’ rights violations in Madagascar

6 June, 2023After a presidential pardon, jailed unionist Sento Chang has been released after nine months in Madagascar’s Antanimora prison, one of the worst prisons in the world according to Human Rights Watch. Sento was jailed for posting the outcome of union negotiations on social media. Unions from Madagascar participating at the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland, are challenging the sentencing and jailing, and calling upon the island nation’s government to stop repeatedly violating workers’ rights.

Textile unions in Asia Pacific commit to campaign for safe workplaces

23 May, 2023A two-day workshop on health and safety in the TGSL sector in Asia Pacific, held in Bangkok, Thailand on 18-19 May, 2023, discussed global developments in the sector, specifically the ILO Code of Practice in Health and Safety in Textiles, clothing, leather and footwear, the International Accord and IndustriALL’s global campaign on Garment workers need safe factories.