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Showing 31-40 of 190 results

G20 discussions on Just Transition must include unions

15 May, 2023The G20 Energy Transition Working Group (ETWG) meeting is currently underway in Mumbai. Under India’s G20 presidency, workers’ voices go unrepresented in the meetings. 

OECD Steel Committee: invest in workers!

14 March, 2023TUAC, IndustriALL Global and industriAll Europe insist that the impact on steel workers must be at the centre of the debate whether discussing the condition of the steel industry in Ukraine, the decarbonisation of the steel sector globally or the state of international trade. Steel workers must be informed and consulted about change and their jobs protected.

IndustriALL panel at mining indaba demands decent work during energy transition

9 February, 2023Will I have a job after the transition, what type of job, in which sector, and will I earn the same as I currently do? These questions, asked by workers in relation to energy transition, were the starting point for discussions at IndustriALL's panel at the African Mining Indaba in Cape Town on 8 February.

Unions needed to resolve challenges of climate change and decent work in mining

2 February, 2023IndustriALL is bringing a significant number of affiliated mining unions from Sub-Saharan Africa to the investing in Africa Mining Indaba and the Alternative Mining Indaba in Cape Town, South Africa, to discuss proposals for pathways to meet the challenges of climate change impacts in the mining world of work, as well as ESG impacts.

African unions demand strong labour provisions in AfCFTA 

31 January, 2023Unions want labour provisions to be included in the next phases of negotiations of the African Continental Free Trade Areas (AfCFTA). This demand comes from IndustriALL affiliates in Kenya, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory coast, Lesotho, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe who were present at a trade and industrial policy conference, in November last year in Ghana.

Unions in MENA demand a Just Transition

24 January, 2023In the second session on just transition in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region on Just Transition held December last year, the more than 80 participants discussed impacts on the region and necessary steps to protect.

Daimler Truck's World Employee Committee calls for fair transition

5 December, 2022During a two-day meeting in Germany, union representatives from Daimler Truck operations around the world agreed to increase cooperation on human and trade union rights, and standing up for a fair, cross-continental transition towards an emission-free future.

OECD outlines transition pathway for shipbuilding

30 November, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union participated in the 135th meeting of the OECD Council Working Party on Shipbuilding (WP6), where shipbuilding countries analyze the industry and explore policy options. 

New report on Just Transition in the energy sector

24 November, 2022The Just Transition initiative in the energy sector has released its report after a first year of activities. The conclusions and recommendations aim to better prepare unions and to take concrete steps to ensure a Just Transition for workers in the sector.

Make Amazon pay!

23 November, 202225 November is Black Friday, the biggest retail sales day in the United States as well as in other parts of the world. We are joining the global call from Uni Global Union and others to Make Amazon Pay. The campaign was launched two years ago and for Black Friday this year there will be action, strikes and protests in more than 30 countries around the world.