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Showing 1751-1760 of 1837 results

Thai Electrolux workers fight against dismissal

31 January, 2013Swedish-based household appliance multinational Electrolux continues to make a mockery of its commitments to uphold minimum labour rights standards throughout its operations, including those made in the Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with IndustriALL Global Union.

Paper workers celebrate victories in Indonesia

31 January, 2013Members of two Indonesian unions, affiliates of IndustriALL through the Federation of Pulp and Paper Workers’ Union (FSP2KI) are celebrating victory in Indonesia.

Mexico’s Supreme Court unfairly rules against SME

31 January, 2013Disgrace for Mexico’s Supreme Court as three out of five of its members vote to overturn an appellate court judgement to reemploy over 16,000 electrician workers of the SME union, sacked en-masse in 2009.

Owens Illinois glass workers alliance takes action

24 January, 2013The Global Glass Alliance of Unions at Owens Illinois (O-I) officially announced their coalition of workers at the company in four continents to CEO Al Strouken on 10 January 2013. The alliance will rally globally during the week of 4 February in joint protest of the company’s increasing hostility to its workers.

Help IndustriALL stop union-busting at Bashneft in Russia

23 January, 2013IndustriALL launches an international solidarity campaign in support of Russian Chemical Workers Union (RCWU) under attack at Bashneft in Russia.

Mexico Days of Action 18-24 February 2013

21 January, 2013The IndustriALL Global Union Executive Committee made the commitment to mobilize internationally for trade union rights in Mexico during the week 18-24 February 2013.

IndustriALL outraged by savage union-busting in Turkey

17 January, 2013Korean-based stainless-steel manufacturer Daiyang SK Metal has employed every union-busting tactic since January 2010 against Birlesik Metal-Is. On 15 January the workers conducting a sit-in were violently attacked by police.

Unions prepare for Mexico Days of Action

17 January, 2013Preparations are continuing for actions around the world marking the 2013 Mexico Days of Action, 18-24 February.

Copper company busts union in Kazakhstan

17 January, 2013Activists of the Trade Union of Mining & Metallurgy Workers of Republic of Kazakhstan (TUMMWRK) are under pressure to quit their union and join the company-controlled one. IndustriALL offers global solidarity.

IndustriALL inspired by Indonesian trade union victory

17 January, 2013IndustriALL is celebrating a significant victory of its Indonesian affiliates in the campaign against outsourcing and low wages.