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Glencore must go beyond words

5 June, 2024A delegation of trade union representatives, NGOs, indigenous and impacted communities from Colombia, Peru, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the UK and Switzerland attended Glencore’s annual general meeting (AGM) in Zug, Switzerland on 29 May, to demand answers from the company board on the company’s continued lack of willingness to address serious environmental, social and governance issues across its global operations and its aversion to dialogue.

IndustriALL and allies raise red flags to investors ahead of Glencore AGM

8 May, 2024Last week, IndustriALL co-hosted, along with the Global Unions’ Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC), Fair Finance International and Oxfam, a webinar entitled “Below the Surface: Governance Risks and ESG Issues at Glencore”. Aimed at Glencore shareholders, the well-attended event allowed investors to hear directly from those affected by the company’s operations. With Glencore’s annual general meeting coming up in less than a month, the webinar laid out multiple issues for investors to raise in their engagement with the company.

Sintracarbón signs agreement with Cerrejón Colombia and avoids strike action

4 March, 2024Colombian union Sintracarbón signed a collective bargaining agreement with multinational Carbones del Cerrejón Limited on 27 February, ending a dispute and preventing a strike. The agreement provides for additional benefits, including higher wages, the conversion of temporary contracts into permanent contracts and longer maternity leave.

Glencore unions across Latin America call for a just transition

14 March, 2023Glencore unions in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru are calling on the multinational to engage in dialogue with workers and communities to ensure a just transition that respects labour and environmental rights.

Unions welcome revival of IndustriALL’s campaign against Glencore

31 October, 2022IndustriALL Democratic Republic of the Congo council discussed Glencore’s broken promises to mineworkers at a meeting on 21 October. According to IndustriALL affiliates, Glencore has made no efforts to improve working conditions at its mining operations in the country. 

Miners at Glencore Peru demand better working conditions

17 August, 2022Over 1,000 workers at Glencore-controlled mining firm Los Quenuales are taking action to press the company to respect outsourcing limitations and collective bargaining rights, provide better food and to comply with occupational health and safety requirements.

Glencore workers on strike in Canada

30 May, 2022630 members of IndustriALL affiliate Syndicat des Métallos/United Steelworkers are on strike at Glencore’s Raglan mine in Canada over the extensive use of subcontracting and a lack of respect from the employer.

Coal unions in Colombia, Spain and South Africa meet to exchange ideas

29 October, 2021In mid-October, the Colombian coal workers' union Sintracarbón held a meeting with unions in Spain and South Africa to explore concrete ways to ensure a just energy transition.

Unions address accountability as Glencore prepares to reopen Mutanda mine

17 June, 2021IndustriALL Global Union affiliates organizing at Mutanda Mine in Kolwezi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo say preparations to open the mine in July are at an advanced stage with over 1,500 workers expected to report for work.

Worker perspectives from Cerrejón coal mine

13 April, 2021Last week, IndustriALL and the UK Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) co-hosted a webinar examining how labour practices at the Colombian coal mine Cerrejón are affecting workers. The massive open-pit coal mine is jointly owned by mining multinationals Anglo American, BHP and Glencore.