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Showing 4571-4580 of 5749 results

A day to fight for the living; and mourn for the dead

22 April, 2014Every 28 April is designated by the labour movement as the International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers.

Energy unions worldwide back UWUA in struggle against FirstEnergy: “One Day Longer, One Day Stronger”

18 April, 2014The entire network of the world’s energy industry trade unions is rallying in support of members of the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), employed by the third largest U.S. electric power company, FirstEnergy.

IBM unions agree new global strategy to fight job cuts

17 April, 2014IBM unions have agreed a new global strategy to fight thousands of job cuts and deteriorating working conditions at the computer services giant.

Workers donate blood in solidarity for struggling Paharpur workers

16 April, 2014As a gesture of solidarity for the struggling workers of the Paharpur cooling towers, 117 workers of the GRSE workmen’s union in Kolkata donated their blood at a temporary Blood Donation Camp.

Rio Tinto stands far from real sustainability

15 April, 2014IndustriALL Global Union came together with trade union and civil society representatives to call for an end to Rio Tinto’s unsustainable behavior at the annual general meeting for shareholders (AGM) in London today.

IndustriALL affiliates build unity in Philippines

15 April, 2014After a long process and intensive debate Philippines´ affiliates are ready to start a three year project aiming to overcome their structural problems of fragmentation, low union density and lack of influence in defending workers’ interests in the political arena.

Brax “Feels Good” over labour rights violations at Lafem in Turkey

15 April, 2014IndustriALL Global Union and IG Metall call on German textile brand Brax to play instrumental role to stem labour rights violations in its major supplier Lafem in Turkey.

Exposing the ugly truth about Rio Tinto

15 April, 2014IndustriALL Global Union has produced a report released today; “Unsustainable: The Ugly Truth about Rio Tinto” highlighting the multinational’s global practices. And today, workers from numerous countries will stage a protest outside Rio Tinto’s AGM over the ugly truth behind its global operations.

Moroccan unions jointly protest austerity policy

14 April, 2014On 6 April the Moroccan trade union national centres UMT, CDT and FDT have staged a major march with some ten thousand of participants in Casablanca protesting against imposed by the government austerity plans.

Organizing displaced women in India

14 April, 2014Due to gender roles in many societies, women and girls often face threats and risks and they are less likely than men and boys to have access to their rights. These threats are particularly exacerbated in situations of displacement.