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Showing 251-260 of 5745 results

COP28: People’s plenary demands climate justice and urgent action

11 December, 2023Consensus was clear — urgent action is imperative, and the global community must prioritize addressing climate issues with a steadfast commitment to justice and inclusivity of all those affected. Amidst the powerful speeches, calls resonated for the recognition of Indigenous rights, an immediate ceasefire in Palestine, and for the well-being of future generations.

Tesla strike action spreads across borders

8 December, 2023Six weeks into IF Metall’s strike for a collective agreement at auto manufacturer Tesla, the solidarity strike action is spreading not only in Sweden, but also to neighbouring Denmark and Norway.

Austrian unions secure substantial gains in metalworking bargaining round

8 December, 2023Austrian unions Pro-GE and GPA have emerged as winners from the latest round of bargaining in the metal industry. Following an intense battle and the first walkout in the Austrian metal industry since 2018, the unions' concerted efforts have resulted in significant gains for over 200,000 workers across six sub-sectors.

Week one at COP28 comes to an end and unions prepare for the second week

7 December, 2023The general feeling is that this COP can’t be about climate change objective setting and process it must be about solid policies and implementation. Trade unions are at COP28 to make sure that the policies and implementation leave no one behind!

COP28: expectations from unions in Sub-Saharan Africa

7 December, 2023Sub-Saharan Africa's trade unions, including IndustriALL affiliates, are actively engaging in commitments to reduce carbon emissions and phase out fossil fuels. While advocating for sustainable development and sectoral transitions, they emphasize the need for a Just Transition, prioritizing socio-economic rights.

South African court rules in favour of gender equality on parental leave

7 December, 2023In a case that will transform how maternity and parental leave is taken in South Africa, the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg ruled that working parents can take turns in taking the four months’ maternity leave. Previously, maternity leave applied only to the “pregnant mother.”

Union-win in Australia with legislation on contract workers

7 December, 2023In a major victory for (labour-hire) contract workers across Australia, new legislation has passed that ensures that contract workers are paid the same as permanent workers performing the same role. 

Pakistan ratifies the Hong Kong Convention

6 December, 2023Pakistan becomes the 23rd country to ratify the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships. The Convention is set to come into force in June 2025.

Young trade unionists reimagining international trade unionism

5 December, 2023The Global Labour Institute hosted its autumn school in Paris from 27 to 29 November. IndustriALL affiliates formed part of the delegation who deliberated on challenges in organizing, trade unionism and youth, trade unionism and authoritarianism, and trade unionism and the environment. 

IndustriALL and Safran renew global framework agreement on CSR

4 December, 2023The renewed agreement on corporate social responsibility (CSR) reinforces commitments taken in 2017. It applies to all Safran companies in all countries where the Group operates, influences its supply chain and takes account of the societal and environmental changes that have occurred in recent years, in accordance with local cultural, social and economic factors.