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Solidarity in Malmö as Ford workers join Tesla picket line

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12 September, 2024In a show of solidarity, a delegation from Germany joined striking Tesla workers in Malmö on 10 September. The group of representatives from Ford Cologne’s works council, met with workers and union leaders to support their ongoing struggle for fair labour practices at Tesla's service centers in Sweden.

The conflict between Tesla and Swedish workers, represented by IndustriALL affiliates IF Metall and Unionen, began just over eleven months ago when Tesla refused to sign collective bargaining agreements, which are a cornerstone of Sweden's labour model. In Sweden, unions play a crucial role in negotiating fair wages, working conditions, and benefits for employees. Tesla’s refusal to engage in these agreements has led to protests and strikes by IF Metall at Tesla’s service centers. The struggle has drawn widespread attention as it challenges Tesla’s labour policies in a country known for strong union rights.

The German delegation was led by Benjamin Gruschka, Cologne plant works council chairman, German general works council, and Ford European works council, and included David Lüdtke, IG Metall chairman at Ford Cologne; Dennis Klein, Chairman of the youth representation at Ford Cologne; Sabine Lawitzke and Thomas Süther, both members of the Ford Cologne works council; and Hans Lawitzke, Secretary of the Ford European Works Council and Deputy Chair of the IG Metall at Ford Cologne.

The delegation joined the picket line at the Tesla Service Center, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the striking workers who are currently covering the center’s opening hours in two shifts. The delegation had the opportunity to engage in conversations with the workers, many of whom shared their personal experiences and challenges in dealing with Tesla’s practices.

"It’s clear that Tesla’s treatment of its workers isn’t just a local issue, it’s part of a larger pattern we see across borders. Today, we’re here to support our Swedish friends and let them know they are not alone," 

said Benjamin Gruschka

The delegation joined the public demonstration organized by IF Metall, which drew a crowd of supporters from across Malmö. The demonstration saw speeches from various union representatives, all calling for Tesla to respect workers' rights and engage in good-faith negotiations with its employees.

”This manifestation is an important signal to Swedish Tesla management. There are no signs of weakened resolve amongst our members, despite being on strike for more than 10 months. On the contrary – more and more Tesla employees are joining IF Metall and choose to join the strike. We call for Tesla to sit down at the negotiation table and find a resolution to this dispute. Our members at Tesla deserve long-term fair and safe working conditions, just like everyone else in the Swedish labour market,”

says Marie Nilsson IF Metall and IndustriALL president.

“As Tesla continues to expand its operations across Europe, the struggle for workers’ rights is far from over. Unions like IG Metall and IF Metall are committed to ensuring that multinational corporations are held accountable, and the events of 10 September 2024 serve as a reminder that the power of solidarity can cross borders and languages,” 

says Georg Leutert IndustriALL auto director.

Photo credit: Hans Lawitzke