20 January, 2021IndustriALL signs a new framework agreement with TK Elevator, the company created as a spin-off from the German multi-industrial multinational group thyssenkrupp.
IndustriALL already had a framework agreement with thyssenkrupp concluded in 2015. So, following the separation, it was only logical to take the old agreement and adapt in the new company. This was also the safest way to grant a seamless validity of core labour standards for this new group. Thanks to the strong and consolidated position of IG Metall, the works councils of the company and IndustriALL Global Union, the first ever Global Framework Agreement has been concluded in the lifts and escalators sector. IndustriALL Global Union proposes that other multinational corporations in the sector should follow this example.
Similarly to the previous agreement the ILO core labour standards made the basis of the text of the new agreement, but while designing the new agreement, several changes were made, namely:
- A stronger and explicit definition of the rules and regulations and their application on the company and its chain of suppliers.
- An improved definition of employer’s neutrality towards trade unions active in the company.
- Introduction of joint health and safety committees improving the involvement of employees and their representatives in health and safety matters.
- Creation of a reporting system through which complaints and violations can be submitted anonymously, thus guaranteeing confidentiality. The international committee considering the complaints is composed of representatives of IndustriALL, IG Metall as well as the Group Works Council and the European Works Council. The committee works closely with representatives of TK Elevator's human resources department.

Susanne Herberger
Chairperson of the TK Elevator Group Works Council and one of the signatories of the GFA:
"With this new Global Framework Agreement, we have created a centralized complaints institution at TK Elevator for its more than 50,000 employees worldwide. Here, each and every employee can lodge a complaint if fundamental workers' rights are violated. For us as works council and trade unionists, it was particularly important to keep this culture we built with thyssenkrupp also with the new owner of TK Elevator. TK Elevator thus commits to remain a fair and respectful employer for all colleagues.”

Valter Sanches, IndustriALL Global Union general secretary, comments:
“The new agreement is an important step. For the first time, one of the big six companies in the sector guarantees the adherence to the ILO core standards worldwide. This is a milestone for all production and maintenance employees in the sector. The work for IndustriALL and its affiliates has just begun: now this new global framework agreement needs to be invigorated through real social dialogue at a global level, involving the representative unions in all countries where the company operates.”

Jörg Hofmann, IG Metall and IndustriALL Global Union president said:
"The corona pandemic has led to an increase in global inequality. With the global framework agreement of thyssenkrupp Elevator GmbH we are sending a signal for the defence of workers' rights, that are more needed than ever, especially in times of crisis. We have also succeeded in establishing health and safety committees. The internal reporting system and an international committee ensure monitoring and implementation”.