8 August, 2011In an attempt to criminalize legitimate trade union work the Felipe Calderon Government started new aggressions against independent trade unions and labour rights protection organizations in Mexico.

MEXICO: According to the reports received by the IMF the Felipe Calderon Government renewed its attacks against independent trade unions and workers' rights protection organizations.
Recently through false crime accusations arrest warrants were issued for the legitimately elected officials of the Mexican Electrical Workers' Union (SME) General Secretary Martin Esparza Flores and Labor Secretary Eduardo Zarza Bobadilla, as well as union lawyer Amalia Vargas Rios.
The Attorney General's Office accuses the union officials of an attempted fraud and demands to freeze union financial resources received through the collection of dues currently kept by the bank Bansefi.
In fact through the false accusations and warrants of arrests the Government tries to undermine SME and avoids recognizing the legitimately elected trade union officials and issuing a "toma de nota", certificate of recognition of union officials by the Labour Ministry. The procedure of "toma de nota" is falling far from democratic principles and creates possibilities for potential fraud and abuse. The current example confirms one more time that "toma de nota" practice in fact leads to open violation of workers' right to freedom of association.
IMF earlier reported about the attacks on SME, one of the oldest unions in Mexico, http://www.imfmetal.org/index.cfm?c=20955 whose only fault is to counteract neoliberal policies of the Felipe Calderon Government. Particularly the union fights against an illegal dismissal of 44,000 workers, most of whom were SME members. In reply to SME's different proposals for legally and economically viable solutions to resolve the conflict the Government continues to escalate the situation.
The other recent attack is directed at the employees of the Center for Worker Support (CAT), an organization that has been assisting in the organizing of workers at Johnson Controls in Puebla, Mexico. For details, see an earlier report of the IMF at http://www.imfmetal.org/index.cfm?c=25132.
The life of the CAT employees is in danger. An article quoting one of the indusrialists accusing CAT employees of "destabilizing the situation in the state of Puebla" was published in the industrial pro-governmental electronic bulletin Periodico Digital on 27 July 2011. Considering the earlier life threats received by CAT employees the IMF has contacted the Minister of Labour Javier Lozano Alarcón and the Governor of the State Puebla Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas.
The other long lasting case where the Mexican government so far fails to find a solution regards the IMF and ICEM affiliate the National Miners' and Metalworkers' Union of Mexico (SNTMMSRM). This year the union celebrated four year anniversary of its strikes in Sonora, Taxco and Sombrerete. Miners and the local communities are deeply concerned that neither the government nor Grupo Mexico have taken any steps to resolve the disputes, recognise the collective agreements and respect the National Miners' Union.