4 November, 2009Union leaders and activists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan discussed organizing and labour rights at IMF conference in Moscow.
RUSSIA: More than 40 union leaders and activists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan attended an IMF conference called "New Action Programme 2009-13 and IMF affiliates' activities in CIS countries" on October 27-28 in Moscow. IMF General Secretary Jyrki Raina and IMF Director for Non-Manual Workers, Research, South East Europe Anne-Marie Mureau took part in the event.
On the first day of the conference Jyrki Raina presented the new Action Programme and described the changes in IMF structure and staff. IMF Regional Representative Vadim Borisov announced the plan to fight agency labour in courts using Russian labour laws.
Delegates fully endorsed the Action Programme, but emphasized the need to discuss concrete ways through which it should be put in practice. Organizing and communications training, union networks in TNCs and control over the implementation of International Framework Agreements were among particular issues.
Union leaders discussed the two ways of fighting unfair treatment: court action and mass protests. The general consensus was that both ways were absolutely necessary. Jyrki Raina confirmed the essential importance of mass mobilizations.
Russian delegates were highly critical of government responses to the economic crisis. They highlighted the fact that due to inefficient government support the Russian car market was in a worse state than in many European countries.
Anne-Marie Mureau made a presentation on pension system reforms in Europe. Delegates made short comments on the situation in their countries.
On the second day Jyrki Raina talked about traditional forms and new strategies in organizing. He stressed the fact that unions must be active and fighting organizations, constantly recruiting new members.
Overall, the meeting was very rewarding both for the delegates from CIS countries and for IMF Head Office representatives.