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Union activists arrested after the elections in Belarus

23 December, 2010In the evening of December 19, mass demonstrations were staged in Minsk. Four trade unionists were arrested. The IMF demands the immediate release of Michael Kovalkov, Alexei Kovun, Vladimir Sergeev and Alexander Tysevich and an end of the violations of fundamental human rights in Belarus.

BELARUS: December 19, Belarus held presidential elections, won for the fourth time by Alexander Lukashenko. Activists of the IMF affiliates Belarusian trade union of radio industry (REP) and the Free Trade Union of Metalworkers (SPM) participated in the elections as observers and reported on numerous violations.

The same day in the evening mass demonstrations took place in Minsk that were brutally crushed by riot police. Chairman of the Free Trade Union of Belarus (UPB), Michael Kavalkou, activist Belarusian Free Trade Union (SPB), Alex Kovun, activist of SPM, Vladimir Sergeev, and activist of REP, Alexander Tysevich, were arrested.

"We are outraged of the inappropriate force used against peaceful demonstrators. There is no excuse for the security agencies to attack and beat unarmed people and presidential candidates," reads the REP's statement.

"SPM Council members and rank and files are indignant at the brutal slaughter of peaceful action of citizens defending their constitutional right to free expression of their will by the authorities and demands an investigation into the facts of the inappropriately brutal actions of security forces against peaceful protesters," declares SPM.

On December 22 the International Metalworkers' Federation sent a letter to Lukashenko demanding the immediate release of arrested union activists.

"Your regime has once again demonstrated its anti-democratic nature and a complete disregard for fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, which are enshrined in the Belarusian Constitution, including the right of public expression of the views concerning the process and results of elections".

"We demand the immediate release of all detained citizens and a public inquiry into the incidents. We will make sure the European Union and the International Labour Organization ILO have not missed these outrageous attacks, which were widely reported in European media," states the IMF letter.

The following documents are published on the IMF website:

  • Statement by National Council REP;
  • Statement of the SPM;
  • Statement of the Council of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP);
  • Letter from the IMF to Alexander Lukashenko.

UPDATE: As of January 12, 2011 all above mentioned activists were released, repressions against members of the teams of opposition candidates and the candidates themselves continue.