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Turkish metalworkers fired for union actions

9 January, 2009IMF calls on Sinter Metal to end violations of trade union rights and reinstate all 350 unfairly dismissed workers.

TURKEY: Metalworkers at Sinter Metal Technologies, located in the Dudullu Organized Industrial Zone in Turkey, demand reinstatement after being unfairly dismissed for union activities.

On 19 December, management at Sinter Metal used false pretexts to fire 38 workers involved with trade union activity. The following Monday, a majority of the 470 workers employed there occupied the plant in solidarity with the dismissed workers and demanded reinstatement. In response, management moved to dismiss all but 50 workers and threatened to close the operation.

On 23-24 December, police broke the occupation and forced the dismissed workers from inside the plant. Many workers remain at the entrance of the plant, calling for reinstatement and the right to be represented by their union, Birlesik Metal-IS.

Birlesik Metal-IS, is an affiliate of the International Metalworkers' Federation.

In a letter sent to the company, IMF general secretary Marcello Malentacchi said, "the International Metalworkers' Federation joins with Birlesik Metal-IS and the workers of Sinter Metal to demand that the company immediately reinstates all the fired workers, ceases and desists from committing these violations of rights, and promptly enters into good-faith negotiations with the union to reach a fair and just settlement of workers' concerns."

Birlesik Metal-IS is asking IMF affiliates to send similar letters to Sinter Metal calling for reinstatement of the workers and an end to trade union rights violations.

Send letters to:
Sinter Metal İmalat Sanayi A.Ş
Address: Yukarı Dudullu Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, 1. Cad. No: 25
Fax: 0090 216 364 00 32
General Manager: Olgun Tanberk
Manager of the Factory: Sibel Borekci
Production Manager: Ilker Ozturk.