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Successful negotiations in German steelworks

25 November, 2011Wage increases of 3,8 percent for 75,000 steelworkers, and permanent status for trainees. That is the result of negotiations between IG Metall and employers in the steel sector in the three German states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bremen.

GERMANY: The negotiations were concluded on November 21 in Düsseldorff, after IG Metall had called out members for extensive two-hour warning strikes involving tens of thousands of steelworkers.
"This result allows workers to share in the company's success. It shows that IG Metall has a reliable bargaining policy even in times of insecurity," said IG Metall president Berthold Huber.

Wage increases will go into effect on December 1, and the new agreement runs to the end of February 2013. Trainees will now as a rule acquire permanent status at the end of the training period. Exceptions have to be agreed with the Works Councils. Senior workers possibilities to work part time were renewed and improved - the employers contribution to pensions insurance was raised from 95 to 100 percent.

"Our many members, and their strong participation made this success possible, said Oliver Burkhard, IG Metall representative in North Rhine-Westphalia.

More information (in German) on the IG Metall website.