21 July, 2009International labour community urges Korean government to call off riot police and water cannons immediately and to stop using violence to resolve industrial disputes.

KOREA: Over 3000 armed riot police with use of water cannons, ladder trucks and helicopters, have stormed Ssangyong Motor Pyeongtaek plant where some 800 laid off workers have been holding a sit-in strike for 61 days after the company announced mass dismissals without notice or union input.
The sit-in strikers, members of the Korean Metal Workers' Union (KMWU), are currently located in the paint shop building of the plant.
A recent report from the KMWU shows the urgency of the situation. "This morning, riot police surrounding the paint shop narrowed the perimeter from 100 meters to 70 meters. Riot police have been dropping teargas on the sit-in protestors by helicopter since this morning and all day, toward evening, they began the operation to take out the sit-in protesters. The situation is getting extremely urgent and we are not sure how long the sit-in strikers can hold out. It is already 8:30 pm here, and the operation is continuing despite the fact the sun has set and amid a protest gathering outside the plant."
Workers have been cut off from water, food and medical supplies for more than a week. On July 16, riot police used excessive force and rampant arrest to block KMWU unionists and family members from delivering basic supplies to the strikers. A total of 82 were arrested and held for two days.
Strikers' families have reported that company managers are visiting workers' homes and threatening family members with the imprisonment of their spouses and confiscation of their homes and assets to pay the company back damages for the strike.
Under Korea's current criminal law Penal Code 314, employers can pursue imprisonment or initiate enormous lawsuits against individuals and unions for "Obstruction of Business". According to the KMWU, Ssangyong Motors is targeting 192 unionists to sue for obstruction of business, two KMWU officials have been arrested and another 15 arrest warrants have been issued for KMWU officers related to this strike action.
Ssangyong Motor has repeatedly violated the Collective Bargaining Agreement, including unilaterally stopping all payment of welfare provisions in the CBA and failing to pay wages for production workers dating back to March.
The IMF is urgently requesting IMF affiliates to take action in support of Ssangyong Motor workers on strike by sending letters to local Korean embassies or consulates urging the Korean government to end its use of violence and repression to solve industrial disputes and immediately call off the riot police currently surrounding the Ssangyang Motors plant, withdraw all lawsuits and charges against KMWU members supporting the strike, and urge negotiations between government, the company and the KMWU for a fair and just resolution.