6 July, 2010IF Metall's International Secretary and the President of the Electrolux Union in Sweden joined the IMF's regional representative and IMF Thai affiliate TEAM on a mission to assist in organising the Electrolux plants in Rayong, Thailand.
THAILAND: IF Metall has once again demonstrated its willingness to cooperate with the IMF and organize workers in Swedish companies abroad, in this specific case at Electrolux in Rayong, Eastern Seaboard of Thailand. The mission members met the top management of two Electrolux companies and expressed their need to organize the plants under TEAM. They also met several members of the company's welfare committee, and briefed them on their rights to form a union to represent workers' interests.
The workers' representatives were receptive to the idea of forming a union. The president of the Electrolux Union in Sweden, Ulf Carlsson explained that in Sweden Electrolux is highly unionized and the relationship between management and his union is positive. He stressed that if the Thai workers could form a union to protect themselves a similar situation could be achievable.
Carlsson explained "it is the desire of my union to ensure that all the Electrolux plants around the world be unionized and in this regard I would work with IF Metall and the IMF to make representation to management of companies and also engage the workers wherever possible."
IF Metall International Secretary, Erik Andersson stressed that "IF Metall will actively engage in the question of organizing Swedish companies around the world and this is definitely going to be a big challenge for the union".
The local management of the Electrolux plant was open to the idea of their workers forming a union.
TEAM President, Chalee Loysong expressed his willingness to assist the workers to join TEAM. He hoped other unions in the developed world would follow the example of the Swedish affiliates.