27 July, 2010A "Justice for Colombia" delegation, including IMF general secretary Jyrki Raina, visit Colombia to maintain international pressure on newly-elected Colombian government for improved human and trade union rights.
COLOMBIA: An international delegation of politicians, trade unionists and NGOs visited Colombia from July 20 to 24 to maintain the pressure for improved human and trade union rights in the world's most dangerous country for trade unionists. During the past 24 years, 2,800 unionists have been murdered, this year already 32 have been killed.
IMF general secretary Jyrki Raina participated in the mission to see how the IMF could contribute to efforts on improving conditions for trade unions to operate and to see whether the country's newly-elected President would offer any new hope.
The mission was organized by Justice for Colombia, an organization set up by British trade unions. The delegation, consisting of trade union leaders and members of the European Parliament and UK parliament, met with senior government figures in Colombia, including President-elect Juan Manuel Santos, future Vice President Angelino Garzón and future Foreign Minister María Angela Holguín who will be taking office on August 7, 2010.
Speaking about the mission, Jyrki Raina said, "President-elect Santos gave strong commitments on improving human and labour rights, including the creation of an inter-institutional body and dialogue with trade unions and civil society organizations. We will be watching closely to see what happens after his inauguration."
Raina also noted that current negotiations for free trade agreements with the U.S. and the EU offered some opportunities for putting pressure on the Colombian government for improvements.
While in Colombia the delegation went to Macarena and visited a mass grave of between 450 to 2,000 assassinated people, which is currently being dug up to identify the corpses. The delegation also met with other victims and family members of murdered activists and trade unionists, and with political prisoners.