8 October, 2010The second trade union coordination meeting of workers' representatives from the Leoni production sites in Morocco and Tunisia was organized by the IMF in Casablanca on October 4-7, 2010, to monitor the implementation of the International Framework Agreement.
MAGHREB: Health and safety concerns, the vulnerable condition of non permanent and sub-contracted workers, and strategies to strengthen union organization were among the themes discussed by shop stewards and trade unions organizing workers at Leoni in Maghreb and with colleagues from IG Metall of Germany who represent Leoni workers at European and World level. The meeting was part of IMF efforts to develop communication between trade unions organizing workers employed by the same multinational and to establish among them networks for closer collaboration and solidarity.
Top priority in the collective bargaining strategy of SNTIMMEE-CDT in Morocco and FGME-UGTT in Tunisia at Leoni is job security, especially at a time of crisis, through the reduction of temporary and subcontracted jobs and their transformation into permanent ones. Particular concern was expressed for the high numbers of young workers employed under special arrangements without ensuring their inclusion in the regular labour market. Women are the majority of workers in this and other forms of precarious employment.
A joint work plan was agreed for improved communication and the systematic exchange of information on collective bargaining experiences, and for stronger national and international trade union coordination.
One day of the meeting was devoted to dialogue with a representative of the international management of the Leoni group in charge of Human Resources. The local unions expressed the workers' expectations for improved and more constructive relationship with the local management, and their concerns on issues related to health and safety and to the full respect of the Leoni Social Charter. It was agreed that dialogue should continue and hopefully develop into systematic consultation and that the concerns of the Leoni employees in Morocco and Tunisia would be brought to the attention of management.