27 August, 2008More than three million workers in the United Kingdom are not confident that they will be in their job in a year's time.
UNITED KINGDOM: More than 3.3 million workers (13 per cent of the workforce) are not confident they will still be in their job in a year's time according to a new YouGov poll commissioned and released on August 21 by the Trades Union Congress (TUC).
Those in low paid jobs are less secure than those in better paid jobs. The least confident about keeping their job earn between £10,000 and £15,000 and the most confident earn more than £50,000.
Union members were more optimistic than non-members, with 48 per cent of trade unionists very confident that they would be in their job in a year's time, compared to 40 per of workers not in a union.
The findings are consistent with a survey conducted last year by the International Metalworkers' Federation on changing employment practices and precarious work, which found that metalworkers around the world are increasingly feeling less secure in employment.
The IMF surveyed its affiliates in 2006/07 and found that 90 per cent of respondents said precarious work has increased in the last five years.
As part of a united global effort to stop the massive expansion of precarious work, the IMF has called for a week of mobilisation from September 30 to October 7, 2008.
On October 7, IMF and its affiliates will also participate in a global day of action in conjunction with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and all other Global Union Federations (GUFs).
The IMF and its affiliates have voiced their commitment to take action against the expansion of precarious work. Around the world unions are mobilising, organising and bargaining for better and more secure work. Get involved today at: www.imfmetal.org/precariouswork